Hey folks, I hope you're all doing well. I'd like to kick off our start of our weekly dev updates. Over time, I'd imagine these will be rather brief, but we want to show the continual progress of our development work as we go through things.

Writing: We've completed additions to the full story outline for the game. This has made each chapter significantly longer with more tantalizing scenes and rounded out the story. With the current outline, we've got: the intro(done) + 7 chapters (ch. 1 in progress) + an epilogue. We're estimating that each chapter will take 1-2 months to complete. The later chapters are a lot bigger and grander as we build up to a satisfying climax. Both Xutora and I have gone over the outline multiple times, tweaked things, and made sure Sarah and Ava both have their times to shine. We also want to show a progression of of the contagion with different monsters so the game doesn't feel stale and repetitive by the end.

Rendering/Animation: Xutora has been hard at work on the first chapter. Based on the outline, it's estimated that he's about 30-40% done with the first chapter. This chapter is estimated to have over 300 renders. He's also completed almost ten different animations so far.

All of this is to say that things are moving in the right direction. We're going to do our best to shoot for a late April release.

And finally, a HUGE shout out to our initial supporters. Those of you who see zero or only a handful of supporters and are willing to take a chance on us are the true rock stars. So, thank you so much!

Following this post we'll have a couple of preview renders for our supporters so check those out!