Update Post - Succubus Heart 5.3.4 DEV [Skyrim Mod]

Update : Succubus Heart 5.3.5 DEV was released, a quick fix for NPC effects not ending properly which caused a few issues, and a new fix for DOM getting stuck in bleedout after an animation starts which brakes input.

Worked on some requested additions/QOL/and fixes, also did a ton of testing and alterations for OStim specifically to help fix up some issues. This update comes with improvements to the multi-framework support, now allowing both SexLab and OStim to be used at the same time properly! (You can set what your preferred framework is in the Status MCM, while SexLab should select automatically if it's installed and is recommended you can toggle it to OStim and Succubus Heart will start OStim animations instead of SexLab ones). Still haven't finished the validator but more info will be in the SubscribeStar post if you're curious on more!

Download Links :
GDrive : https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1yqt2P0fu2JRsjOIcuD7kAa03JuQ3rvZw?usp=drive_link
Mega : https://mega.nz/folder/xgBQDJRQ#4ucsQDMkY1thmkfM6sjy5g

Full Changelog
Succubus Heart 5.3.4 DEV
- Added : Combat Seduction now shows a menu when the player succubus hit into submission, allowing an accept or decline
- Added : NPCs may now lust after the player succubus while in higher Lust States (shows accept/decline option)
- Added : Option to disable Lust Defects (the decreasing status and damage effect) to the Settings MCM
- Added : Implemented new measures to try and stop combat when animations start (May not always be desire-able, but required to fix issues with OStim)
- Added : "Framework" in the Status menu is now "Framework Preference" and can be toggled between SexLab and OStim. Whatever this is set to is what framework Succubus Heart will use to start animations
- Added : Max Status lost from DOM now adds to Skill XP equal to the amount lost (similar to decay functions)

- Changed : Increased Sexual Fluid's effect on Lust
- Changed : Arousal is now called "Lust" (This should help reduce confusion since other mods use the term arousal quite a bit)
- Changed : Can now use multiple frameworks at once (Succubus Heart will now detect both SexLab and OStim animations, or start anims from the set preference)
- Changed : Reduced Tali's time scaling for item replication by about a third, reduced minimum time for replication to 3 in-game hours

- Fixed : Corrected some typos/misspellings/grammar
- Fixed : "Self Pleasure" and solo animations triggered by Succubus Heart not starting with OStim
- Fixed? : Fixed OStim crashing in some instances when an act starts in combat (most noticeable when using Combat Submission, with high script lag this fix may not work)
- Fixed? : Fixed instances where OStim may not start animations properly and player controls get stuck
- Fixed : Succubus Realm should no longer mess up save metadata when saving inside the realm and now follows Special Edition standards for naming (Bug did not cause any data loss, it just didn't properly record and capture player name and time stamps when loading saves. Caused by an underscore in the location name)
- Fixed : Teleport to realm message incorrectly stating the cost as "Magicka Cap", now correctly states "Max Magicka"
- Fixed : Fluid Fountain's menu claiming upgrades were random when this is no longer the case
- Fixed : Tali's worktable menu saying "Upgrade Time" instead of "Upgrade Tools"
- Fixed : Tali's worktable menu text overflowing/clipping (altered message to fit better, though it is now slightly different)

The adventures of trying to ‘fix’ OStim Support

One of the major struggles with supporting multiple frameworks has really just been me not fully understanding how OStim works on an internal level. SexLab is well established with a long history and a foundation that’s built fairly linearly, and I’ve been around that entire time so I’ve been able to slowly adjust over time as I learn and expand my own capabilities. But OStim has a very… uh.. ‘mixed’ past, filled with confusing changes, foundational changes, and the new OStim Standalone we use now is made by a new team with fresh ideas on how things should be done. This has made understanding and debugging specific issues with OStim difficult to debug and get right, I’ve had people report now issues while others have consistent game crashes and weird issues. But this was to be expected, but it has caused some issues. SexLab has its own issues to fix and over time I’ve been able to identify where those holes are and account for them, the issue is OStim not only has many of those same holes and requires the same fixes, but also has additional holes that are remarkably inconsistent! While working on this latest update we were able to find a bug that was only crashing my game every 1 out of 10 animation starts, I applied a work around and now it’s gone but for another user they still crash nearly every time (and when they don’t their game soft-locks).

This update was originally planned to have a custom ‘validator’ which validates if characters are valid for animations and if the situation allows it, but this inconsistency is why I held off and worked on other fixes instead. For SexLab they have a validator already, so I had always just used that with a handful of additional checks when required, but OStim has no such validation and this is what’s leading to the crashes and inconsistency issues I just wrote about. This means building an efficient validator is taking a lot more brain power than initially expected, I figured doing a quick replication of what SexLab does but optimized for Succubus Heart would be more than enough, but it actually failed for OStim checks and was inadequate. After this recent update I’ve determined there’s still a lot wrong with OStim on a foundational level which breaks when conditions are not as the dev team expected, which causes some problems given Succubus Heart is not really conventional.

My solution is to create 2 individual validators, this means I’ll work on an optimized validator for SexLab, then basically add an additional validator for OStim which will hopefully apply work-arounds as we find them until they are either fixed in OStim or a better solution is found. The issue is some of these fixes may not be applied by the OStim devs given their stances on certain types of content. SexLab is very open and compatible with whatever people really want to do, which is nice and allows Succubus Heart a lot of freedom such as full Soul Pets support with creatures, allowing in-combat animations, forcing aggressive/passive roles, ect. OStim however, not only blocks many of these functions but may even be forcing out-right crashes. This showed up while we were debugging Combat Seduction, which allows triggering animations in combat. SexLab animations play and work as expected, even allowing combat to continue if so desired, OStim on the other hand applied a ton of scripts and checks to then stop animations, lock character movement, and even crash the game (though I don’t know if the crashing is intentional or not). To ‘fix’ it I applied some combat stop functions and wait timers, but it doesn’t seem to work in every instance or game. So in the end, this just means OStim will always be buggy under certain circumstances, and this ‘may’ be by design. Logically I ‘should’ disable features that would lead to these causes, but for now I’ll leave them enabled for people that can get it to work properly and we’ll hopefully have a solution at some point!

All-in-all I guess that’s just a long-winded way of saying, OStim support will probably continue to have issues far into the future and I don’t think many of these issues are actually caused by Succubus Heart, but instead OStim itself. Hopefully we get some fixes in the future! (Remember, if you have any issues with Succubus Heart, please let me know! It’s because of bug reports and user support we’re able to find these issues and hopefully fix them! With more data we may figure out a proper solution!)