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 Update Post : Succubus Heart 5.3.7 DEV [Skyrim Mod]

This is another update focused mainly on OStim fixes, but I’ve also started crossing off some of the last few things I had planned for the next Release Version. Originally I didn’t think I’d get OStim working properly soon enough to push support into the Release Branch, however with the help of some community members (especially Mel and Steel over in our Discord, thank you 2 for the insane amount of OStim testing you did! ^-^) I’ve been able to get OStim working well enough and stable enough to consider for the next release version! This means 5.4 Release will have proper OStim support, which is super exciting! I wasn’t sure how much longer it would take given my focus on Project Sugar Cake lately, but with the testing help it really accelerated things.
This update comes with some requested features such as more options for drain, increased the time between lusting when at high arousal (I have it in the TODO to extend the Lust Defects option to include a setting for Lusting so it can be disabled like stat defects), and, of course, those OStim fixes. If you’re playing with OStim with Succubus Heart, I strongly recommend updating as there’s a ton of critical fixes in these newer DEV versions!

Full Changelog
 Succubus Heart 5.3.7 DEV
 - Added : "Drain Affects NPCs" now has a "Hostile Only" option that attempts to only drain hostile NPCs (Based on relationship rank so may not catch all attacking NPCs if they are not normally hostile, such as a friendly NPC you attack in combat on accident >.>)
 - Added : "Allow Drain to Kill" now has a selection similar to "Drain Affects NPCs" with Never/Always/Non-Allies/Hostile Only
 - Added : More decorations to the Succubus Realm

 - Changed : Lusting from NPCs now takes twice as long to trigger on average, also takes longer after declining a lustful interaction (saying decline in the message that pops up)
 - Changed : "Always Drain Kill" now respects "Drain Affects NPCs" and "Allow Drain to Kill" setting, making it only skip the health check
 - Changed : Sexual Fluids in the Succubus Realm will now spawn as the new versions (Note : In existing saves this may take a few in-game days to happen depending how the game decides to respawn the items)

 - =Fixed : OStim not registering for events properly if SexLab was also enabled (missed an elseif change when re-writing the framework switching stuffs)
 - =Fixed : OStim NPC End with player involved accidentally skipping the 'first' NPC in the act (This indirectly fixes issues such as drain kill failing, "Prevent Death in Acts" getting stuck, and other effects.)
 - Fixed : Drain Kill should no longer fail if the NPC has health buffs that prevent them from falling below the threshold
 - Fixed : While using DOM, returning to the Succubus Realm now tries to stop combat to prevent getting stuck without being able to teleport.
 - Fixed : Version regression error message not displaying
 - Fixed : Drain Kill no longer triggers on Essentual and Protected flagged characters (prevents Drain Kill farming on characters that can't die)

Release Branding
With the release of Project Sugar Cake into Beta I introduce a bit of branding to spruce up the release announcements, in that same vain I’m going to be doing the same for Succubus Heart! It’s nothing major, just something to make these things more interesting as well as easier to scroll through on places like SubscribeStar.

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Update Post : Succubus Heart 5.3.6 DEV [Skyrim Mod]

Got another update out, this time with some ‘real’ fixes for OStim! I think… maybe.. hopefully? Turns out I was right in my post last update about Ostim’s internal systems not working correctly, so I was able to get more information, figure out some stuff I was doing incorrectly (I was given false information before when I got help with OStim which caused some issues) and made some work arounds for the issues caused directly by OStim. In addition to your usual set of bug fixes and QOL improvements I also transitioned all the consumable items in Succubus Heart into being either food (Sexual Fluids) or into untagged potions (Soul of items, souls, rare drops). This means Sexual Fluids ‘should’ now be fully compatible with survival/hunger mods! I tested with SunHelm which pops up a menu asking what the ‘food’ should be considered (I chose soup so it fills both hunger and thirst a small amount).
Some users of OStim have still reported animation trigger issues, however I can’t confirm whether it’s Succubus Heart, their set-ups, or OStim at this time, but hopefully I can get more information at some point to get OStim support into a proper release version at some point! OStim also will have a few features for NPC exclusive acts given the previous issues I ran into which would require some sort of extensive work around that I haven’t decided whether is worth the effort and script weight or not...
Full Changelog
Succubus Heart 5.3.6 DEV
- Added : "Only Use Framework Pref." to Settings MCM, this setting makes Succubus Heart only apply drain and effects from the prefered framework set.
- - - - - OStim has been having issues, so this allows people to have both SexLab and OStim enabled without having to deal with OStim's instabilities by setting SexLab as the prefered framework while ignoring OStim.

- Changed/Added : New Sperm/Breast Milk obtained will now be a new food variant which has the same effects as before but has compatibility with survival/hunger mods as well as cooking recipe support (The previous ingredient versions will still be in your inventory and function just as they did before)
- Changed/Added : New Souls of ___ and rare drops obtained will now show up as a potion (Just like with sexual fluids, the ingredient versions are still there and function just like before)
- Changed/Added : New Soul Pet items obtained will now show up as a potion (Just like the other 2 changes like this, the ingredient versions are still there and function just like before)
- Changed : Increased the time 'SexLab AI Fix' waits to apply to hopefully make it more consistent
- =Changed : Some effects like "Prevent Deaths during Sex" no longer function for NPC only animations while using OStim (This is caused by a workaround for an oversight in OStim and directly related to a fix, these functions were broken before anyways)
- =Changed : Reverted increase to Sexual Fluids effect on Lust when on low arousal (was too aggressive of an increase)
 - Changed : (Backend) Pet Soul items now register via Keyword similar to other items

- =Fixed : Lust Levels hover text in Status MCM now correctly states Sexual Fluids at High Lust Levels decreases Lust
- Fixed : "Succubus Heart : Exhausted" 'ability' having a null effect (These are still just cosmetic and may not show up in your game at all)
- =Fixed : DOM not correctly responding to player downed state if OStim was used but SexLab was not installed
- =Fixed : OStim should now properly apply end-of-sex effects and no longer get stuck in a player animating state
- =Fixed : OStim should now properly apply orgasm effects and grant items
- Fixed : Integrated the VR item crash fix into the main dev path (this fix applies empty effects to the ingredient variants, this causes some weird issues in the non-VR version however since the ingredient versions are being depreciated this shouldn't be an issue moving forward)

Succubus Heart 5.3.5 DEV
=Fixed : NPC characters not having all end of animation effects applying properly (caused an assortment of issues)
Fixed : When using DOM, the player should no longer get stuck in the bleedout animations if they re-enter bleedout once an animation starts to register

Detailing the OStim Issue

Since the last update I was able to get some additional help over on the OStim Standalone Discord that helped me solve some of the issues we’ve been having with OStim support (thank you to those that helped me out! ^-^). Firstly I found out I was given some false information on what events I should use and when they trigger, I was lead to believe the mod event ostim_thread_orgasm would trigger when any actor orgasmed, however it was actually ostim_actor_orgasm! I was using a different event for the player, so that was triggering orgasms events properly but the one used for NPC was just straight up invalid so it was never called (something I had found out previously, though the fact the player event triggered had me a bit confused thinking it was just inconsistent).

The real confusing part comes from the end animation event. For Succubus Heart’s systems to work properly it needs both a start and end point, for SexLab I just use the begin anim and end anim events to toggle between states and manage when certain effects go off, but when transitioning this system to OStim I didn’t realize the 2 frameworks handle these sorts of cases in fundamentally different ways. SexLab’s tracking requires you to register/apply what actors you wish to track then sends an event call for every actor being tracked, Succubus Heart already has to track all NPCs to apply various effects such as combat seduction so we just use that method to track all relevant actors. OStim on the other hands doesn’t track actors, instead it only manages individual animation ‘threads’ without any tracking of actors. This means that while SexLab always sends the required event, once for every actor in an animation meaning I can just execute the required code specifically to each actor, OStim only reports the thread of the animation that sent the event, this means I have to manually pull the actors and then loop over them to apply the correct code. Because my code base is relatively modular this isn’t a ‘difficult’ task, just slightly annoying, all I had to do for this to work in theory was have events from each framework fire off their own event function, then get the relevant actors before sending it to the proper function, wish SexLab just being “hey, this actor has done the thing” and working just like before, but with OStim we have to pull data from the animation thread.

Notice how I said in theory? Yeah, SexLab works as expected with no issues and functions exactly as it did before (actually slightly faster since we don’t have looping code to account for OStim built into the general function anymore), but OStim has a major design flaw that doesn’t affect SexLab. Since OStim doesn’t track actors and only the animation thread, this means when an animation ends and the data clears itself, we can’t pull any data besides the ID for the animation that just ended! SexLab stores this data until it needs to be altered or overwritten, from what I understand it holds this information until the internal cache is filled or a set time has passed, this allows us to reference the animation and pull relevant data even if the animation has ended. OStim on the other hand appears to clear all of its data as part of the end procedure, meaning once the animation has ended and papyrus sends the end event to trigger our code in Succubus Heart, the relevant data has already been cleared, meaning in this example, we can’t get the actors from the animation and run the required code.

This is a pretty big issue and a major oversight by OStim, I do have a work-around however, manual tracking! The issue is I’m not sure it’s worth the performance cost and script weight to implement this for NPC only interactions. For player involved animations I already track the NPCs in the animation for the drain functions so my solution there is if the animation runs through OStim I simply send those NPC references to the proper end animation function (which isn’t required by SexLab) but for NPC animations I would need to create my own tracking system. OStim does have a way to quickly check if an animation includes the player however, which is quite nice! The player animation in OStim always returns with a threadID of 0, so we can use that to quickly check if the player is involved to set up whether we need to process the starting effects or not (skipping these effects/triggers for NPC only animations). I think currently I just won’t have NPC/NPC interactions being tracked, the vast majority of effects still apply such as orgasm so I don’t think most people will really mind all that much, but if it does become an issue we can create a tracking system for NPC animations using the ThreadID as identifiers to hopefully make up for that. (As a note, SexLab will obviously remain fully functional.)
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 Update Post - Succubus Heart 5.3.4 DEV [Skyrim Mod]

Update : Succubus Heart 5.3.5 DEV was released, a quick fix for NPC effects not ending properly which caused a few issues, and a new fix for DOM getting stuck in bleedout after an animation starts which brakes input.

Worked on some requested additions/QOL/and fixes, also did a ton of testing and alterations for OStim specifically to help fix up some issues. This update comes with improvements to the multi-framework support, now allowing both SexLab and OStim to be used at the same time properly! (You can set what your preferred framework is in the Status MCM, while SexLab should select automatically if it's installed and is recommended you can toggle it to OStim and Succubus Heart will start OStim animations instead of SexLab ones). Still haven't finished the validator but more info will be in the SubscribeStar post if you're curious on more!

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Full Changelog
Succubus Heart 5.3.4 DEV
- Added : Combat Seduction now shows a menu when the player succubus hit into submission, allowing an accept or decline
- Added : NPCs may now lust after the player succubus while in higher Lust States (shows accept/decline option)
- Added : Option to disable Lust Defects (the decreasing status and damage effect) to the Settings MCM
- Added : Implemented new measures to try and stop combat when animations start (May not always be desire-able, but required to fix issues with OStim)
- Added : "Framework" in the Status menu is now "Framework Preference" and can be toggled between SexLab and OStim. Whatever this is set to is what framework Succubus Heart will use to start animations
- Added : Max Status lost from DOM now adds to Skill XP equal to the amount lost (similar to decay functions)

- Changed : Increased Sexual Fluid's effect on Lust
- Changed : Arousal is now called "Lust" (This should help reduce confusion since other mods use the term arousal quite a bit)
- Changed : Can now use multiple frameworks at once (Succubus Heart will now detect both SexLab and OStim animations, or start anims from the set preference)
- Changed : Reduced Tali's time scaling for item replication by about a third, reduced minimum time for replication to 3 in-game hours

- Fixed : Corrected some typos/misspellings/grammar
- Fixed : "Self Pleasure" and solo animations triggered by Succubus Heart not starting with OStim
- Fixed? : Fixed OStim crashing in some instances when an act starts in combat (most noticeable when using Combat Submission, with high script lag this fix may not work)
- Fixed? : Fixed instances where OStim may not start animations properly and player controls get stuck
- Fixed : Succubus Realm should no longer mess up save metadata when saving inside the realm and now follows Special Edition standards for naming (Bug did not cause any data loss, it just didn't properly record and capture player name and time stamps when loading saves. Caused by an underscore in the location name)
- Fixed : Teleport to realm message incorrectly stating the cost as "Magicka Cap", now correctly states "Max Magicka"
- Fixed : Fluid Fountain's menu claiming upgrades were random when this is no longer the case
- Fixed : Tali's worktable menu saying "Upgrade Time" instead of "Upgrade Tools"
- Fixed : Tali's worktable menu text overflowing/clipping (altered message to fit better, though it is now slightly different)

The adventures of trying to ‘fix’ OStim Support

One of the major struggles with supporting multiple frameworks has really just been me not fully understanding how OStim works on an internal level. SexLab is well established with a long history and a foundation that’s built fairly linearly, and I’ve been around that entire time so I’ve been able to slowly adjust over time as I learn and expand my own capabilities. But OStim has a very… uh.. ‘mixed’ past, filled with confusing changes, foundational changes, and the new OStim Standalone we use now is made by a new team with fresh ideas on how things should be done. This has made understanding and debugging specific issues with OStim difficult to debug and get right, I’ve had people report now issues while others have consistent game crashes and weird issues. But this was to be expected, but it has caused some issues. SexLab has its own issues to fix and over time I’ve been able to identify where those holes are and account for them, the issue is OStim not only has many of those same holes and requires the same fixes, but also has additional holes that are remarkably inconsistent! While working on this latest update we were able to find a bug that was only crashing my game every 1 out of 10 animation starts, I applied a work around and now it’s gone but for another user they still crash nearly every time (and when they don’t their game soft-locks).

This update was originally planned to have a custom ‘validator’ which validates if characters are valid for animations and if the situation allows it, but this inconsistency is why I held off and worked on other fixes instead. For SexLab they have a validator already, so I had always just used that with a handful of additional checks when required, but OStim has no such validation and this is what’s leading to the crashes and inconsistency issues I just wrote about. This means building an efficient validator is taking a lot more brain power than initially expected, I figured doing a quick replication of what SexLab does but optimized for Succubus Heart would be more than enough, but it actually failed for OStim checks and was inadequate. After this recent update I’ve determined there’s still a lot wrong with OStim on a foundational level which breaks when conditions are not as the dev team expected, which causes some problems given Succubus Heart is not really conventional.

My solution is to create 2 individual validators, this means I’ll work on an optimized validator for SexLab, then basically add an additional validator for OStim which will hopefully apply work-arounds as we find them until they are either fixed in OStim or a better solution is found. The issue is some of these fixes may not be applied by the OStim devs given their stances on certain types of content. SexLab is very open and compatible with whatever people really want to do, which is nice and allows Succubus Heart a lot of freedom such as full Soul Pets support with creatures, allowing in-combat animations, forcing aggressive/passive roles, ect. OStim however, not only blocks many of these functions but may even be forcing out-right crashes. This showed up while we were debugging Combat Seduction, which allows triggering animations in combat. SexLab animations play and work as expected, even allowing combat to continue if so desired, OStim on the other hand applied a ton of scripts and checks to then stop animations, lock character movement, and even crash the game (though I don’t know if the crashing is intentional or not). To ‘fix’ it I applied some combat stop functions and wait timers, but it doesn’t seem to work in every instance or game. So in the end, this just means OStim will always be buggy under certain circumstances, and this ‘may’ be by design. Logically I ‘should’ disable features that would lead to these causes, but for now I’ll leave them enabled for people that can get it to work properly and we’ll hopefully have a solution at some point!

All-in-all I guess that’s just a long-winded way of saying, OStim support will probably continue to have issues far into the future and I don’t think many of these issues are actually caused by Succubus Heart, but instead OStim itself. Hopefully we get some fixes in the future! (Remember, if you have any issues with Succubus Heart, please let me know! It’s because of bug reports and user support we’re able to find these issues and hopefully fix them! With more data we may figure out a proper solution!)
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