Progress Report #109: April

Hello everyone!

We enter April with good vibes and the knowledge that some of the last scenes to be added for Tripteen have begun. The lineart for these new scenes is being produced and it's already making for some new delicious scenes, including the Big Boss defeat scene, if you should be so lucky or unlucky to see it.

As far as writing goes, everything is complete except the scenes. The nice thing is that juicy scenes are the bread and butter of our team, so those should be cracked out very shortly. Beyond the scenes, we did a little bit of tweaking for Mitsu's introduction and wrote out a new special scene for a Collaboration Event we're doing.

Coding is going smoothly, too, mainly a lot of fine-tuning for the new Movement Points as well as figuring out how to implement the unique abilities for both the Boss and the Mini-Boss encounters.

And that is all for this one. Thank you once again for joining us on this journey of creativity and progress. Can't wait to share more exciting updates with you soon!

Kind Regards,

Cursed-Atelier Team

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