Introduction Post - Please read before subscribing

Thank you for taking the time to look at this message. This is mainly intended to be a tip jar, with some minor benefits such as extra Democratic Power (DP) for polls. All finished artwork will be posted for free publicly. I have no plans on creating a discord server, and probably never will, so all art will be posted here and other sites such as X (formerly Twitter) and Itaku. All DM communication involving Commissions and SubscribeStar will only occur through SubscribeStar. (The SubscribeStar DM system is not very good at notifying you if you got a message, so I would check it often.)

Further information on subscription tiers can be found here, and I highly suggest reading before committing.

Posting Plan:

The current plan is to host a TF poll on the 1st of every month, and then a 2nd poll on the 14th. The polls will run for 2 days. Requests from the Super Hard+ tiers will be posted as I finish them, along with (public) commissions. Source files will be posted at the end of the month.

The first poll will be hosted on X (formerly Twitter) and here. The poll hosted here will be for the $2 tier or higher only. I will add the votes from that poll to the twitter poll for the final result. (You can still vote on the public poll on twitter if you want; I won't stop you. I'm not your Dad.) The votes from the public poll will be added to the X (formerly Twitter) poll at a rate of 3x (all the votes, not just the winner).

The second poll will be for paid subscribers only (everyone can vote). This poll will be populated by 4 $5+ subscriber suggestions I pick, and 2 $30 subscriber suggestions. Suggestions will go in a separate suggestion post at the start of the month and end on the 14th on the day of the poll, or you can DM me for the suggestion. In the event I can't pick 6 suggestions, I'll add my own. This poll is multiple choice, so you can pick as many options you want.

Some extra information about the tiers:

(All Tiers):

Billing cycles on the 1st of the month.

The poll on the 14th is set to weighted mode, so the higher your tier, the more your vote is worth. Originally, both polls were set to weighted mode, but it made calculating votes from Twitter a hassle. (According to the help page it's based on how much the tier costs...? I'm not sure of the exact value.) I haven't had a poll yet where weighted mode actually mattered, so if I determine it causes too much influence I'll adjust it to be equal.

$5 (Super Normal):

While this poll will (mostly) include user suggestions that I hand pick, there are some restrictions that you should be aware of that will automatically get a suggestion denied: link

I highly suggest posting references.

Note: The suggestion doesn't have to be a traditional TF sequence (Character X into other thing). It could be something like "Character from X growing larger breasts" or some kind of continuation to a previous work, I am fine with suggestions like that.

$12 (Super Hard) Limited:

Once per month I'll draw a single frame of a single character of your choosing (can also be your OC). NSFW requests are also OK. The quality will be something similar to images like these (Colored and Shaded, no/simple background, maybe a simple prop like a bottle):

The subjects I won't draw are similar to the Absolutely Not section above from the $5 tier. The request will go as follows:

1.Message me (through the SubscribeStar message system) or put a comment in the Super Hard request post for the month what you want.

2.If I'm unsure of something I'll ask.

3.I will make the drawing.

4.I will send you the drawing. If there is some minor changes you want let me know at this step (like a color change or a different expression, or I forgot a marking etc.) I won't do anything major like a different pose.

5.I will post the drawing publicly.

Be advised: the image will not be private and will be posted publicly. I would also appreciate it if you send me the request sooner rather than later.

Note: I've been told the SubscribeStar message system is a little weird, so I would double check if the reply was actually sent.

$30 (Super Nightmare) Super Limited:

This tier is on a trial basis. If there is a lack of demand, I'll retire it and make it more Super Hard slots instead. For the monthly poll, your suggestion (if it is acceptable), will be guaranteed to be selected as one of the potential options for the poll of the month.

If you have any questions or have any suggestions for tiers, don't hesitate to ask me.