About - Requests | Commissions

I think it would be useful to put what I will and will not draw in its own post. While I would highly prefer it if a request from the $12 Super Hard+ tier is TF or TF Adjacent (Breast Expansion, etc.), it does not have to be. If you want a good idea of what I've drawn before, I would suggest looking at my Itaku. I'm updating this list as I go, so it does not include absolutely everything. I usually prefer drawing SFW/Suggestive things.

I also have a trello board for looking at Request/Commission progress. Link


Subjects in this section I won't draw in any tier.

-Real People (I feel like I shouldn't have to say this, but just to be sure.)



-Hard Vore

-Gore (Plush "Gore" is OK.)


-Live Birth

-Some other stuff I can't figure out how to put into words. Don't be afraid to ask.

Personal Preferences

-I usually like Human to Furry with added MtF, even more so if it adds something like Inflatable or Plush on top of it. They're getting even further away from their original form so I like that kind of thing.

-I prefer SFW/Suggestive themes most of the time over pure NSFW. If I can edit it to be SFW, I'll probably end up doing so unprompted.

-I like features that could be seen as a real inconvenience for an Ex-Human. Ex: Less Fingers with bigger hands, large tail, a horn, shorter, suddenly starts saying "kupo" unintentionally, etc.

-More often than not I'll usually make the subject keep their hair even if the target form doesn't have any, because I like it. I also like glasses since it's something that looks the most out of place besides clothing (also it's easier to draw).

-Usually I prefer post-TF to the sequence itself, though some situations are better when it's mid-TF like splitting.

-I don't usually put actual dialogue in images or the ♀/♂ symbols to symbolize gender transformation, so some things can be left up to interpretation. (A lot of the time it's MtF anyway, but I'm being vague on purpose.)

Inexperienced but willing to draw

Subjects in this section I've probably drawn very few times or not at all.

-Quadrupeds (This subject is restricted to SFW only.)

-Birds (I like birds, but I haven't really drawn any.)

-Weight Gain (At the time of writing I haven't drawn this yet. I am fine with weight gain up to a point (No Blobs).)

-Inflation (Similar to the Weight Gain section. I don't really think I have an upper limit to how far I'll go for drawing it, though.)

-Deflation (I've drawn it once at the time of writing. I actually like it a lot but I need more practice with it.)

-Soft Vore (I like this when it's paired with TF, though I don't really draw this normally.)

-Suit Transformation (Like turning into a fursuit, etc.) (I like the subject a lot, though I haven't had much of a chance to draw it.)

-Oviposition (I actually like the subject if it's paired with TF.)

-Hypnosis (I'm alright with it, but I don't really look for it.)

-Macro/Micro (I don't particularly feel anything for it, so I don't normally draw this.)

-Splitting (Like becoming a bunch of balloons/spheres or smaller slimes etc., or body parts falling off) (I like this paired with Suit Transformations, but I haven't drawn this subject much either.)

-Foot/Paw Focus (I'm more fine with this if it's paws/not human. I don't really draw it, however.)

-UDTF (This is hit or miss for me. I haven't really drawn this though since I have a hard time thinking about how to go about it in a way I like.)

I'll glare at you through the computer, but will draw anyway


-The Cal-Arts-Type Smile which is common in inflatable artwork (I don't have anything against shark-type smiles.)

$5 Super Normal Tier

All requests for this tier will go in the dedicated post at the start of the month, and I'll pick up to 4 for the poll that will be posted on the 14th (+2 from the Super Nightmare Tier). If I get less than 6 requests that I can accept, I will populate the other options with subjects of my own. Note: You can DM me the request if that is preferable.

Will Not Draw

-OCs (You can suggest mine if you really want to, though.)

-Human to Human TF (Kemonomimi TF [Animal Ears/Tail only] is...kind of OK, sometimes. Depends on the character.)

-Furry to Human

$12 Super Hard Tier+

Since this is a personal request, I'll allow more options. As long as it's not in the forbidden section, I'll probably draw it. NSFW requests are usually OK. In general, I will do the requests in the order I receive them, though depending on various factors I might do them out of order. Please have mercy on me and don't request an overly detailed outfit.

Note: All of these requests will be posted publicly. The source file will be included in the zip file at the end of the month.

Note #2: When I post the request, I will default to your SubscribeStar name for the credit. If you want me to use a different name or ask to omit the name, please tell me before-hand.

Note #3: I've been told the SubscribeStar message system is a little weird, so I would double check if the reply was actually sent.

Pixiv Requests

PixivRequest Page

If you would like to do a request on my Pixiv, send me a message on SubscribeStar so we can discuss the price. Try not to mention things like "As we discussed elsewhere" in the request message on Pixiv. Subjects such as image sequences and comics are OK. You can even request a continuation of a previous comic/image I've drawn if you really want. Pixiv requests on my end have a 7 day time limit to accept and 60 days to complete. You can request private commissions on there too, just ask me before hand (Note: I charge extra for hidden requests.)

Here are some sample prices:

Base Price: 3000 Yen (Note: Requests can not go lower than 3000 Yen). The base price will be on par with an image from the $12 tier. If the character has a complex outfit or pattern, I will require a higher amount.

Ex: Cheshire from Cat Busters has a very, very complicated outfit so this character would be at least 4000 Yen at the base price. (SubscribeStar doesn't like the wiki link, so I provided the one time I have drawn her.)

Ex2: Waai fu has a complicated fur pattern, but she isn't nearly as bad as Cheshire's outfit, so this would be around 3500 Yen.

Background: 500~1000+??? Yen. I don't normally draw backgrounds. If it's not too complicated, I can give it a try. If you want a simple lineless background like here, then it'll usually be cheaper. Note: Simple Color Square Backgrounds are free and I usually do those unless otherwise specified.

Props: Free~500+ Yen. Very much depends on the complexity of the prop. Ex: A small, simple crystal would be free, a simple cellphone with not a lot going on the screen would be free. A box with some kind of logo would be ~500.

Comic Panel: ~1000 Yen. Varies depending on panel complexity. Will normally not include a full/mostly full body shot.

Extra Full Body Shot or Extra Character: ~2000 Yen. Varies depending on character complexity.

Mob Face Full Body: ~1500 Yen. Varies depending on character complexity (Ex: link). Typically these are pretty small.

Edits: Free~500+ Yen, depending. (Ex: Alt Expressions would be ~500 Yen, but something as simple as drawing extra blush/changing the pupil to spirals/or changing colors would be free. Alternative positions of some limbs depends on the drawing, but typically 1000 Yen+.) I actually like doing edits so don't worry about asking for them (within reason).

Sketch: N/A. My sketches are really bad, you probably don't want them.

Flat Color/No Color: ???. I'm not sure why you would want this, but depending on what you're wanting to not have Shading/Color, I'll give a discount.

Private: If you do not want me to publicly post a commission, the price will increase by +10%.

If you are subscribed to the $5 or higher tier, I'll give you a 10% discount. Depending on the complexity or personal difficulty of the request, I will require a higher amount. If the request involves an OC of mine, I'll also give a small discount (varies).

Note: Unless the client requests otherwise, these images will also be posted publicly. The source file will also be included in the month-of-completion zip file (if it is allowed).


Generally, the priority list for drawings will go: SubscribeStar Request > Poll Sequence > Super Nightmare Tier Commission > Commission > Private Commission. Commissions will get a higher priority if they've been in waiting since payment for 30+ days. Images that I did not manage to finish before the monthly deadline will also have a higher priority.