Hello people, welcome on this 69th progress report.

Yes, this is the 69th progress report, and as much as I want to acknowledge this funny number fits the theme of the game and that this is incredible, I just lack the words right now.

What I don't lack words for is making great April fool jokes. Thankfully all my followers are over 18 years of age and were able to learn from the 17+ previous April 1st's of their lives not to believe the outlandish things that are being said during this very special day, right? Hahaha... Haha...

Anyway, what's the progress like, Mike?
Well, I updated the kitchen (this is minus the chairs to show off the appliances):

This comes after a necessary change in philosophy when it comes to how the desert house is supposed to look.
My very first objective was to make the house look run-down and borderline destroyed. As you can see we're very far from that right now. This is because I don't nearly have the skills to make a house look this way. This is very hard to explain in technical terms, but this kind of look is very hard to achieve. So in short, instead of standing in this akward middle-ground between having a house with a half-assed run-down look and a house that doesn't look run-down but is functional and allows for some extra scenes, I chose the functional one.
As you can see we have a new washing machine (this one, unlike the previous one, can be opened), and an oven. You probably won't notice it, but I also fixed a "glitch" on the sink counter area. So the kitchen is more beautiful than it ever was :).

Other than that, I made renders for a few more side-scenes. I decided to focus on those during the last progress report, as some of those side-scenes are "intros" for picture scenes for Riley. There's a chance I'll be done with side-scenes by the next progress report, or maybe I'll have switched to Riley-picture scenes, we'll see.

Here's a nice, heart-warming render showing us a family-bonding moment in this beginning of April.
Funny thing is, I forgot to write a "warm" variation for this scene. Don't worry though, this variation has been written and rendered since then.

Anyway, I think I've covered everything. $10+ dollar supporters will have all the spoilers I've shared in the #spoilers-ahead channel on Discord during the last progress report +1 more, and I'll see you guys during the next progress report.