So, back to texture painting the second sequence's models. All the black areas are out-of-boundary regions from the book's original graphics. Plus there are a number of places where forms are on top of each other, these contain some silly results now, it's just a dumb starting projection thingy from upwards. At least a half good AI fill thing would be nice for these segments of the work... some people may even know such tools out there... but it's all manual for me. For the first sequence's model i really screwed myself with setting a single 8K texture, and my video card is not quite up to the task of real time manipulation of such a big image, so it was quite the teeth grinder to retouch the missing information. This time i optimize the workflow with a number of separate 4K textures, still great for those future close-up renders, and that's one quarter of the processing stress, more or less let's me paint in Blender, as if i was working in Photoshop.