A quick catch-up

Hi all and thanks for clicking on this week's public post.
I've been very busy IRL lately and a bit under the weather this week, but I didn't want to let a second week slip by without putting anything in the public post, so let's take a quick look at where the development cycle of 0.8 is up to.
Chapter Six
Work on the conclusion of The Reign of Jess is proceeding smoothly. The coding is now almost all done, the writing is in the wrapping up stages, and several scenes are already rendered. My supporters have been privy to an early look at these scenes, but sadly they're too hot to go in a public post. Most likely your best chance to get a look at them will be when preview season starts on my Deviantart.
Delve Deeper into Fivaviana
Many new maps have been added to Fivaviana, and two characters from Chapter 5, Rose and Tina, are confirmed as returning and now have character models! You can see Tina's up top there, and here is Rose!
New school events
As I mentioned a couple of weeks ago, there are also a couple of new events for school going into this update, including the start of Emma's story and a new repeatable break time event. These are at the writing stage, but are much quicker to make than a full chapter.
Other stuff
The office correction, one of the oldest scenes in the game has been fully reworked. Missy can even be shown with her bad girl ribbons in it now! There's also some quality of life stuff and the usual handful of bug fixes. One exciting new development is that I've begun putting the groundwork in place for the player to be able to choose to run around naked in a future update. I know a number of you have been wanting that ^^
Have a great week, I'm off to go and down as much Lemsip as I can get away with and go back to bed.