[Syrup Town] [Preview] - Preview Gallery and Roadmap

Hello again! Cleaning up everything after the patreon purge has sure been exhausting. One thing I definitely need to do is make sure everybody knows what I'm working on. Marketing myself around is something I'm very bad at, making posts on reddit and joining new discords to advertise myself is hard for me, etc.

So, Syrup Town!

Trying to make previews draws away from making the games, but having an online presence is important if I want to be able to get back to where I was and stop worrying about money. I really appreciate everyone's patience with me!

Firstly I have an imgchest link I've been sharing around with a collection of character designs: https://imgchest.com/p/a846xp5kz4x

Secondly I've updated the preview gallery, there's a good 2gigs of my favorite porn images in here I've generated of the cast, mostly to give an idea of what sort of content and vibes will be in the game: https://noodlejacuzzi.neocities.org/syrup-gallery/

There's still quite a bit of work to do, but the gallery update was important so that the previews reflect the actual state of the game. Speaking of which, the work's going well! I've implemented a jiggy game I got a little distracted playing, got better sound controls, improved the navigation, and more!

Next up priority elements are logbook and gallery, I want a better system for them than I have in HU, and this is the best time to get them working., Also super important is getting everything to work on mobile. The state of that is rough. Then I'll start putting in the intro scenes and collectables. Then is Riley and Sorbet's content. And then v1 will be ready!

Expect at least one more preview for syrup before it's done, and I still need to repost the new years goals from patreon so that people have an idea of my long term plans, like hentai university uncensoring and human alteration app expanding. I also need to post about the game in other places, and then also also work on a university update and the human version of Syrup Town, busy busy busy!

There's been progress on many fronts, I hope you'll all stay tuned!