Update on 9.0
Hello everyone, version 9.0 should come out next week. This will have 4 new events for Evelyn, 2 influence and 2 corruption, 4 new events for Reina, 2 influence and 2 corruption, and 3 new events for Jill, 1 influence and 2 corruption. As the characters level are getting higher now, their event is getting longer than those earlier level event as well, 6 or 7 render per event instead of the 3 or 4 render per event of the earlier level. Aside from that, this update also come with a tracking mechanic to let you know where each character is at on the map.
All in all, pretty substantial update. I think only the Emily update that took 2 months has more content than this. However, there're still quite many things I have to do for the follow up update. I need to update their interactions to reflect on their corresponding level. As well as daily and random events that should have come with their new level. Those will be my focus for April, then after that I will have to decide if I should continue the main story or focus on adding more content to other girls first.