Lewd Town Adventures General Announcement:

Hello everyone. Jamleng here with a less exciting announcement.

I'll be honest: from start to finish, I've been excited.
I've had my ups and downs during the creation of this game.
But currently, it's at an absolute low which happens and is absolutely normal.

We’ve done about 7000 combined images and animations excluding all the programming and writing which also takes heaps of time over the past 5 to 6 months.

Compared to all previous game updates, this is massive and absolutely great!
Still, we're looking at about another 2000 renders before it's fully completed.
Now, under normal circumstances all of that would take about 2 months to finish. Sadly, I've been slowing down over the past month and not necessarily by choice. Xo has as well.

So what's going on?
Truth be told, I am bored out of my mind and I am absolutely done at the moment.
I have to force myself to work every day and I'm simply not having fun. Xo feels the same way much of the time.

We're forcing ourselves. Perhaps it's the fact that these are the last events in the game, we just feel an underlying sense of dread having to say farewell to all our beloved characters, this world, these adventures…

I went to the doctor a few days ago and my blood pressure is through the roof, like dangerously high. I really need to chill for a bit, refresh and get some exercise in or something. Anything is better than stressing around and sitting on my ass all day working.

On top of that, and perhaps a cause of the drop in morale... we've received quite a bit of hate recently: bad reviews, negative posts in forums which come with the job but it's affecting both of us more than we've been willing to admit up until now. One can only take so much shit before it starts to affect you in certain ways.

But... The ending?
Yes, we do want and need to finish the stories. We have to finish the game, but... Can we do it with enough energy or enthusiasm it requires to make everyone happy?
-Not at the moment.

So... What now?
We're fairly close to the finish but we w̶a̶n̶t̶  need a break, we want a holiday and we need to do the things that we have put off doing and wish to enjoy once more. This is not the first time we’ve done this, possibly the 4th or 5th time or something as for me/us it’s pretty normal to recharge a bit.

Basically it’s just to focus on other important things that we have to do and just enjoy life for a change - instead of sitting behind the PC 24/7. Both of us have been sitting on our asses for years with little to no exercise, it's unhealthy as fuck.

Xo has another side-job and I have plenty of other things going on IRL as well. This leaves very little to no time for leisure, add this up over multiple months and it just keeps building up.

What about the subscriptions?

Money is important but it's not everything. Life is more than work. The whole ordeal of making a game like this probably will cause me to die a lot earlier than I want to, thus we have to take it slow sometimes.

For this reason I'm going on a break for a bit. We'll finish the game 100% in a timely manner.
Subscribers: It won't cost you a cent. This page is going on “holiday mode” for the time being.

What do you have to do? Absolutely nothing. Stick around - while not getting charged - and when we get back to work we’ll give you a heads up. Our motto has always been; no work, no pay.

What about the next game?

As for the next game, we might work on it - or not. We want to have fun making something cool but currently too tired to even think about it.


We're tired. We're done. For now. After our free time binge -  we'll be excited to complete old things as well as start on new stuff.

I apologize sincerely to those who really wanted to see the final product asap.
We just can't provide that to you - yet.

Give us time. Please be patient. We will probably render and write a few things here and there, but not by force. Not to "get it done" just so it's done.

Again, apologies but in the long run it will be better for everyone.
Have a good one and till later.
