Hypnotizing and controlling your roommate's wife 

Part 3

Jennifer and Dustin

Brandon just left the apartment and I got the urge to snap again. While Jennifer was just standing, She didn't seem to notice my snapping at all, and I thought she just didn't hear it. There was something that struck me as odd. Like I couldn't remember something and the more I tried, the further away it seemed. She came back into the living room and sat in the chair across from me reading a book, she was back in her boring covering clothes that she always wore. I looked at my wristwatch because the urge to snap was rising again. I fought the urge, but eventually the urge was so great that I gave in to it after all. Without being able to do anything about it, I snap twice in a row. That wasn't right, he had said I only had to flick once every 5 minutes. Now I snapped even 2 times. I looked over at Jennifer and she bit her lips.
"Do you mind if I watch TV?", I asked her, trying to distract myself somehow. She looked up at me, and she had a strange look on her face that somehow excited me even more. Immediately, the urge to snap grew again.
Jennifer shook her head and I wondered what had happened and what it was that I couldn't remember. Had Brandon put something on me and made me forget. I couldn't say for sure. I struggled with myself and was already snapping again and again and a third time.
He had almost certainly given me an order that I couldn't remember. So slowly the snapping was having an effect too. Jennifer was sitting on the chair with her legs bent and now rubbing her legs together. I could even see that she kept looking up at me and licking her lips. I turned on the TV so as not to get even hornier. But just the thought of making her hornier by snapping made me horny, and that obviously triggered the urge to snap.
What a mean dog< I thought to myself and tried to fight it. I turned on my favorite series, but the urge was already there. I fought it, but I felt the muscles in my forearm tighten more and more and lost to my own body. My fingers snapped again, once twice, three times four times, I looked in wonder at my hand which stopped only at the eighth time. I looked over at Jennifer, who now had a lustful look on her face. Her hand was now between her legs and I saw her arm moving up and down.   
"Everything ... all right, Jennifer?", I asked her in an excited voice. Only now did I feel how much my cock was squeezing in my pants.
"Y-yes. Everything ok" she answered and moaned softly, at least that's what I imagined. My hand started again and I snapped again.
With each snapping, her gaze became more transfigured and her movements faster and faster, then she stood up and came toward me.
"Take your damn pants off!" she said softly.
"TAKE ... YOUR ... PANT ... OFF!" she repeated with more emphasis.
"What ... what are you going to do?", I asked, and she knelt down in front of me with an annoyed grunt, put her hand on my pants and proceeded to undo them.
"I want to SUCK YOUR COCK NOW!" she said in a voice that brooked no argument and my hand snapped another time