Hypnotizing and controlling your roommate's wife 

Part 4


Brandon kept looking at Dustin's phone on the way home. He couldn't believe there was an app that made this possible. He was looking forward to testing it on his mother. She was an annoying mother in his eyes who just had too many rules and time too. His family wasn't rich, but it was enough that his father went to work. His father would not be back for a few days. He went home. Immediately, the app showed him a new destination nearby. Brandon grinned and tapped his mother's name.
"There you are, finally! Come sit at the table!" his mom called out.
Brandon walked into the kitchen and saw only his mother.
"Where's Brian?" asked Brandon in surprise.
"Did you forget he was going away with Grandma and Grandpa this weekend? You didn't want to go!
Now you tell me where you were!" she replied in a serious voice
Brandon struggled with his nervousness, wondering if the APP was working yet.
"I was still talking to the neighbors," he replied, which wasn't even really a lie.
"So if they talked to you that long. We both know you're a good-for-nothing." 
"It's true, though!" he said in a firm voice.
She stumbled for a moment and looked at him with a transfigured expression. When her gaze returned to normal, she nodded slowly.
"Alright, so what else are you up to?"
Brandon smirked, obviously the app was working, already. His mother had never given in so quickly.
"I was going to go out later, I'm sure you're feeling warm, Mom," he replied.
"Now that you mention it. I think I should turn the heat down a bit." She admitted.
"Tap your finger on your nose and keep your finger on your nose." gave Brandon the next command and she obeyed.
"What's going on here? Why ..." she stammered, looking surprised at her behavior.
"It's perfectly normal, nothing seems strange to you." interrupted Brandon, her.
"Do you want to tell me where you're going?" she asked now, as if nothing was wrong.
"You don't care, you just want to go to your room and pleasure yourself until you cum."
"Oh, you know what, do what you want. I'm going to sleep now" she replied and walked past him without paying any further attention, still having her finger on her nose. Brandon stood there perplexed. The APP was working better than he had expected. He stopped for a moment, wondering what to do.

Part 5

Chapter overview