Hypnotizing and controlling your roommate's wife 

Part 2
not at all Jennifer is herself again

Before I could even answer, Jennifer had put her clothes back on, acting like herself and immediately yelling at me as well.
"What's wrong with you? Why are you sitting here with your pants off, jerking?" She yelled at me, ignoring Brandon, who was standing next to me.
"I um I ..." I stammered, not knowing what to say.
"Now put your pants on!" She continued to yell at me.
Surprisingly, I even managed to put my pants back on. Jennifer stood still for a moment, as if she seemed to notice that something was different. She gave me an angry look and ran to the bathroom without saying anything.
I looked angrily at Brandon, who chuckled. Then I heard her turn on the water in the shower.
"That's hilarious, isn't it?" Brandon asked me.
"Maybe for you, but certainly not for me." I spat at him. He shrugged his shoulders. Then his cell phone rang. Brandon reached into his pocket and pulled it out as he stood up. I was about to reach for my cell phone when he yelled
"Stop, you will never try to take your phone, and now shut up."
I stopped mid-motion and then dropped my hand back in my lap and stayed quiet
"Hi, Mom ... Yes, I'll be right home.... No, I'm not lost.... The ball is already back at our house, isn't it....? Yes Mom.... Bye." Heard him on the phone.
"Damn, my mom wants me to come home! Mhh damn." I heard him curse as he walked up and down the room, I suddenly got the urge to snap that got stronger and stronger until I gave in to it and snapped. I wondered if it had any effect on Jennifer but assumed she had to hear it. Brandon was still pacing. The water in the shower was turned off again and the bathroom door opened. Jennifer had only a towel on and her clothes on her arm. She looked even more alluring now than before with her wet hair. She had just made it halfway to her room when Brandon snapped.
"I got it," he said loudly, and Jennifer slumped to her knees, moaning loudly.
"What was that all about?" I heard her mutter softly as she collected herself.
"I have the app, don't I? I can use it to teach my mom, the stupid bitch, a lesson! Thank you for that, Dustin!" I heard Brandon parallel. I shook my head in irritation and looked at him.
"Thank you for the APP! Hey Jennifer, the hornier you get, the bigger your desire to suck gets, and you don't care who you suck then, as long as you can do it! That desire doesn't go away until you get cum in your mouth or on your face." He looked at me and winked. Then he came over to me and leaned forward.
"... Now give me your key." I heard him say.
"It's on the table next to the door!" Brandon grinned wickedly, grabbed the key and disappeared, taking my cell phone with him.