April 10th 2024: Progress Report

Oh god it's already April it's-

Alright, let's skip that to save time, and get right into the Progress Report! First, Sachinama as usual has been working like a beast breeded with a machine every day and every night on drawing the P Cups. And boy are they huge. If you don't mind being spoiled, remember to check out Sachinama's weekly Ci-en posts! There's about 15ish more non-cutin CGs for Sachinama to renew/draw P Cups for but most of those are from three of the side jobs (Toilet, Stripper, Trainer) so they will be hellishly time consuming. Remember to give support to Sachinama by commenting and encouraging him during these trying times!

(The rest of today's post is just personal stuff, you can skip it if you're only interested in Karryn's Prison development)

As for me, it's been the usual like last month? But also not usual at all? In terms of board games, so the big box game I was talking about last month was Primal the Awakening, and I enjoyed a lot. However. However... I've also been waiting since last month for the eBay seller to send me the rest of the non core box expansion stuff because apparently they also haven't received it yet from the publisher. But just core box by itself is still really fun and neat, I'm impressed by the design and hopefully! Hopefully I'll find some time this month to get it back on the table!

Another big box board game that I brought on a whim from eBay was Tainted Grails: King of Ruins. I enjoyed it to, but mostly for the narrative stuff instead of the gameplay part. In terms of inspirations for how I would like to a make a game, Primal is definitely more up my alley but I'm still happy to have played Tainted Grails KoR.

Those two and more Spirit Island (mostly teaching it to new people) were mainly the board games that I played since the last Progress Report. And that is because......

Since the last month's report, I actually decided to plan and go to three domestic trips in the future. So I never traveled until I got this job and my first time traveling was to Japan back during Karryn's Prison first year of development to meet Sachinama and do business stuff over in Japan. Since then, I've traveled two more times, once more pre Covid and then my second time to Japan last spring. So all three times, two of them for work, were trips where I would meet and see Sachinama at my destination. This time however! All three trips will be completely solo and without Sachinama. 😭

For the time being, the first of those three trips is actually going to be NEXT WEEK to San Francisco where I will be checking out the Cherry Blossom Festival over at San Francisco, kind of like a replacement for last year's Japan trip to see cherry blossoms over in Japan with Sachinama. All three trips will last less than a week, but I'm bringing any laptops so it will be essentially a break from PC time. Will I discover or find something during these trips? Who knows. I'm nervous since I will be by myself during the whole trip but in a way I will also be alone from both computers and people I know and just chill.

Hopefully I won't end up on an episode of South Park as a guy jerking off in public in San Francisco, hah.

Now for some bonus material for reading this far! I know a lot of people have been curious, but work on the next game has not begun yet. It's simply not possible because in Sachinama's case, working on P Cup DLC and family stuff already takes literally all his time. In my case, well, I'm still figuring out and narrowing down my ideas and concepts and experimenting. But I'm really happy with having discovered the world of board games because it really introduced systems and concepts I never thought about before. I'm thinking of checking out one more big box board game called Kinfire Chronicles. It's pretty much out of stock everywhere but I caught with my lil eyes last night a place that had a physical copy of it but I didn't buy it last night because I didn't research about it yet. I also brought my first hardcover book since like forever that I'm taking with me on the trip next week to read and who knows, maybe something or nothing might pop up.

I also haven't forgotten about my bread and butter which is playing and testing out eroges but honestly not much has come out recently but I have had my eye on one indie game since the beginning of the year that I've enjoyed alot. But it is also very similar to Karryn's Prison... yet it's so fun and appealing to me... and like so my heart and mind (and something else) wavers on deciding on what form the next game should be. It's so hard, no pun intended, it's like something stuck in the back of my throat or I guess, like something thick in the back of my head trying to push out, no pun intended.

Anyways. That's it for this month's Progress Report! Hopefully my plane won't disassemble mid air or anything crazy like that and if it doesn't, I'll talk to you all again next month! Or if it does, I guess I'll talk to you all on the other side instead. Stay safe, hydrate, and wear sunscreen!