Post-Mortem Character Ref Sheet: Doro

Name: Dorothy "Doro" Lummis
Background: Citizen
Virtues: Humility, Kindness
Vice: Envy

Insight: 4
Reflex: 4
Resolve: 6
Captain's Log #51
Doro is such a washboard that she often passes for a guy or at least she does to me, especially in those loose coveralls of hers.
Her reasoning is that it paints a smaller target on her while she's in raider territory.
Hard to argue with that one.
The lack of flash is not the drawback though.
The real downside is her goody-two-shoes blind spot for her own & more importantly my self-preservation.
This girl's gonna get me killed over something pointless, I just know it.
That's civvies for you, though.
Always thinking they can change the world.
You'd think she'd drop all of that after she had tor un but I guess nurture becomes nature after a while.
At least she's not easy to part with money like the rest of them.
What I'm really worried about is that fact that she insists on learning the frontier through that smiling maniac wannabe cowboy.
Who in the right mind takes advice from a guy that runs a wheel-gat?
I guess I'll stick around just in case she wants some real advice from someone who hasn't been locked up for lord knows how long.

-Devin Lane