Hello monster-lovers. The following post is a bit lengthy, so I appreciate your time in advance.
You've probably noticed that posts have been a bit slow in Q1 2024, since we took parts of December/January off to recharge before getting back to work, then had to deal with a lot of annoying nonsense behind the scenes to get the Slay the Dragon and Seeds of Paradise builds submitted and approved by Steam.
Thanks to those who've played and enjoyed the currently patron-only "Slay the Dragon!" so far. We hope you stick around for the rest of our content.
We've been working on a handful of prototypes and concepts. "Garden of Roses" is continuing to be worked on, albeit slowly. The story is one of the more complex and comprehensive ones we've put out so far, so we're crossing every T and dotting every I to be sure it all comes together properly and provides a great experience once it's done. You'll want to bring tissues.

The other things we've been working on include a monster girl brothel sim, a straightforward stat-raising dating sim involving a homeless dog girl, and resuming work on Happy Harpy Home. We definitely haven't been sitting on our hands, despite the radio silence.
Ultimately, with time/resource constraints we'll have to focus on one (in addition to GoR, as I mentioned), and I'm unsure which would perform the best. 
(With regards to the brothel sim, it might be reworked to be in Sylvie's Bar, continued at Seeds of Paradise, or placed somewhere new altogether. Which would you most like to see?)

On a lighter note, enough people have displayed interest in "Slay the Dragon!" merch that I've put out a Google form to collect data. If there's enough demand, I will find a good store front, produce the merch and sell/ship it. I'd do my best to keep the costs as low as possible.
Please fill out the form below if you're interested.
Lastly, as I've mentioned before, but Outis Media isn't one solodev doing their best. There's a whole bunch of people involved in every IP, and they're all paid for their work fairly to bring you premium monster girl content. So, revenue is unfortunately something that has to play a part in the decision-making process, and we're still assessing which of these protypes might be the best to move forward with, as GoR is quietly worked on in the background.
As always, thank you for your patience.