Them's Fightin' Words

Hi everyone, and thanks for reading this week's public update!
Progress-wise, Chapter Six is proceeding nicely and writing has started on that other stuff I mentioned last week.
Today I want to talk about how you think the first stage of the combat overhaul went. To remind you, the changes I made in 0.7 were:
- Grapple is now guaranteed, but no longer does poison damage. When grapple is applied, it has a 65% chance to also apply a new effect, demoralized, which does the poison damage grapple used to do.
- If both combatants attempt to grapple in the same round, neither will be grappled.
- Rip Bra/Panties have had their rolls tweaked.
I also introduced narrative mode, so if you no longer do combat, please just select that option as it's also good for me to know how many are doing this.
Thank you for participating in this important research!