Mind and Body Control Ring 

Part 24 

Friends of Lars

Christina had decided that Lars should invite a few of his friends over. So they could have a bit of fun with Marcy while Lars had to watch. At least that was her initial idea. Shortly afterward, however, it occurred to her that John could influence the friends to have fun with Lars too.
However, that wasn't the only thing Christina had in mind. She also wanted both Marcy and Lars to feel the pleasure, more than she usually would, but not the release of orgasm. John couldn't tell if she liked his idea of not letting the victims come, he liked to play with pleasure too, or she had decided it for herself. He did her the favor by taking away both of their ability to reach orgasm. This was going to be an interesting day.
Christina had also taken off her skirt by now, and probably would have taken it off completely if John hadn't told her to leave her underwear on. Another of her demands was that she could decide what the Five did with the two of them, in return for which she would stay with him for the night and look after him.
Before Lars' five friends had arrived in the living room, John had welcomed them at the front door and immediately influenced the group and prepared them for the event. All five of them were now not only into women, but also into Lars. To be on the safe side, he had made sure that they would forget all that as soon as they were out of the house and that they would do what Christina, or he told them. So it was that five of Lars' friends were now standing in the living room, undressing, while Marcy and Lars waited on their knees. He had told them not to resist and that they were just showing the lust they felt. 

John was free to influence the five guys to the point where Marcy and Lars fell perfectly into their prey scheme. John glanced at Christina, who was sitting next to him, and put his arm around her shoulders. 
"It's your show," he said, now placing his hand on her left breast. 
"So you lucky winners. These two are your prize. You're going to have some fun with them today while we watch you and record it. I think it would be good if you five split up yourselves. Two can have fun with Lars and three with Marcy. You can see they can't wait to get fucked, don't you agree, John?" Christina said matter-of-factly and calmly, picking up her smartphone. 
"Yes, the five of them should split up and finally take the two hotties." John confirmed and was curious to see what the three of them would do, but Christina immediately intervened again as soon as the group had split up accordingly. 
"You three fuck Marcy in each of her holes now, and you two do the same to Lars. You don't have to be squeamish either, they both need it a bit harder!" 
The guys in the divided group nodded. One of the group of three immediately lay down on the floor. The other two lifted Marcy up and planted her on the first one's stiff cock. Marcy immediately moaned with pleasure as the cock penetrated her. However, her moans were immediately stifled by another cock filling her mouth. Shortly afterward, a surprised squeal was heard from her as the third penetrated her ass. Slowly, the movements of the three played off each other, and Marcy immediately seemed to lose herself in her lust. She even seemed to be moving as best she could to bring herself to orgasm, which she was apparently already close to. 
John only glanced briefly at Lars, who was obviously enjoying it, but John knew it only looked that way. Lars was certainly boiling inside, but the nicer picture for John was Marcy, and he switched his gaze back to the foursome. Things were slowly getting rougher with the group. The guy whose cock was in her mouth had his hand on the back of her neck and was pressing her face into his lap, while the guy at the back was pulling her hair and the third was using her ample breasts as a drum, slapping them repeatedly. With every stroke that hits her, she moaned into the cock in her mouth. The three guys were now attuned to each other and moved as one. The whimpers and moans that could be heard from Marcy became more and more frustrated. Somehow more and more demanding. It even seemed as if she was giving in to her desire more and more. 
John changed the scene and looked over at Lars, who was at the service of two of his friends. It was a similar picture here. Lars was lying on the floor, one of his friends was kneeling over his head and stuffing his mouth. The second friend was kneeling behind Lars and had Lars' legs pressed to his chest while he rammed his cock into Lars' ass. All you could hear from Lars was a muffled moan of frustration. 
It wasn't long before the first ones were already cumming. The first to come was the one who fucked Marcy's cunt and pumped his sperm into her cunt. 
John intervened and ordered the others to cum on Marcy. The two who were busy with Lars let go of him and went over to Marcy. They stood next to the guy who had just fucked her mouth and was now squirting on her face. The two who had joined him did the same. 
The last one to come was the one who fucked Marcy's ass. He moaned the loudest when he came after pulling his cock out of her. He spread his cum all over her back. 
Christina looked at him with a grin, "was that you doing?" 
"Um, yes, I thought Lars could clean her up right away ..." 
"That wasn't an accusation," she replied and winked at him. Only now did John that she had slipped her hand under her panties. He put his hand on her skirt and held her hand so that she couldn't continue masturbating. 
"Wait a little longer, you're about to get some attention from me," he said calmly, and asked her if she had any more plans with the group in front of them.

Chapter 25

Chapter overview