Mind and Body Control Ring 

Part 25 

Christina is horny

John could feel Christina struggling against his hand. She told him that she had no more use for Lars' friends. John sent the five guys away, but gave them a little present on the way. Since Lars' friends were just as much assholes as Lars himself, he shrunk their cocks, but they wouldn't notice until they got home.
Christina looked at Marcy, who was covered in cum, and then at Lars. Her hand was still struggling against the pressure John was exerting. By now, she had put her cell phone away and placed her hand on his.
"She can't cum?" she asked John quietly.
"No, she can't," John confirmed.
"That could be fun," Christina commented and stood up before ordering Lars to stay down. You could see the humiliation in his eyes if you looked closely. Christina walked up to Marcy and ordered her to lie on her back and grab her ankles with her hands. Once Marcy had her hands around her ankles, she was to pull her legs towards her and spread them.
"Look at how swollen and wet your cunt is. I'm sure it's extremely sensitive too. Oh, look, there's even cum coming out," Christina realized and laughed before turning to John.

"Why did you actually make her sacrifice herself like that for her son? It would have been much better if she had no choice but to do what you wanted. Against her will," she asked him.

"Yes, I've thought about that too and I also think it would have been the better way. But it's simple, although I would get Joe on board that way," he replied. Christina looked at him questioningly, and John explained to her that Joe was Lars' father. He had talked him into liking everything John did with Marcy. Christina looked at him with shining, surprised eyes.

"You're a rascal," she giggled. Now it was John who was a little surprised. This was a side of her that he had never seen before. Not that he knew Christina well, but the fact that she could giggle like that surprised him.

"So me, I could do with some attention right now too. While that bitch watches me have the real fun. Besides, she's pretty dirty, maybe Lars can lick her clean. What do you think?" she made another suggestion, to which John immediately agreed.

"Well, that's something I've been looking forward to for a while," he said with a grin and then looked at Marcy and Lars.

"You've heard what she'd like, then do it. Lick your mom so she's nice and clean, Lars. Marcy watched me do Christina properly. But you don't move."

No sooner had he said the words than John stood up and walked towards Christina.

"If memory serves, you said, no matter what I wanted when we went into the house," he whispered in her ear as soon as he stood in front of her. She looked at him, startled by him standing in front of her so suddenly, and she wasn't even sure exactly what she had said.

"You just want a ... ouch," she began, crying out as John slapped her ass.

"Oh, we're going to have fun all night," he said with a wink and began to undress. Her eyes widened when she saw his monstrous cock. It was obvious she hadn't expected him to be so well-endowed.

"So ready for my attention?" he asked almost greedily.

"It's... it's... huge," she stammered in disbelief. John laughed when he heard that and the frustrated moans from Marcy and the sucking noise from Lars. He looked past Christina and straight into Marcy's eyes. Her eyes were burning with lust, desire and desperation. It was impossible for him to tell which feeling was strongest in Marcy at the moment. He only knew that it turned him on to see her like this.

He turned his gaze back to Christina, put his hands on her shoulders and turned her back to him. As soon as his cock touched her ass, he began to rub himself against her. His left hand slid down to her breast, while his right hand traveled further down. He immediately slipped his right hand under the thin fabric of her panties so that his fingers could explore her labia. Meanwhile, his upper hand massaged her breast through the fabric.

"You're already really wet down there. I think I'll save the blowjob for later. What do you say?" he breathed into her ear and let the fingers of his right hand slide up and down between her labia.

Christina moaned softly and turned her head in his direction. She looked at him seductively, but also combative.

"You said all night? I hope you can keep your word!" she said challengingly.

"A little bet?" he teased back, grinning at her. After all, she didn't know that he had changed himself.

Chapter 26

Chapter overview