Mind and Body Control Ring 

Part 23

Living Room

John led them straight into the living room. As soon as he sat on the sofa, Marcy began to apologize. She got down on her knees in front of him and leaned forward.
"I'm sorry for what Lars did! He did... I don't know... but I... I'll make it up to him... Furthermore, I..." she pleaded. John grinned broadly.
"Shut up!" Christina interrupted her harshly, and Marcy fell silent immediately.
"This is really working. So she has to do what I tell her?" she asked John.
"Yes, I told her that, she can't help it. I was quite nice to her last time, if you can call it that ... I was even kind enough to make her enjoy sex more, at least with me ..." John explained.
"What? How so?" Christina interrupted him excitedly.
Before John answered her, he spoke to Marcy first.
"Stand up, take off your coat, and ignore the conversation between Christina and me until I tell you to sit down." Once Marcy was standing, he turned back to Christina.
"So I've peppered her body with erogenous zones. She can even come when she sucks my cock. It's hard for me to explain, but in a nutshell, her tongue is like her clit. Her nipples, breasts and legs too. I've also made sure that if she tries to pleasure herself, she can't bring herself to orgasm. So she must already be having sex. Also, her orgasms are weak when I'm not around and strongest when I'm fucking her. But these are all things that I can change if I want to," he explained to Christina what he meant.
"In short, you have full control over everyone thanks to the ring," she summarized, "but I don't understand why I'm here then."
John looked her up and down and then at Marcy, who he also looked at before glancing at the door.
"Honestly, I don't know. Maybe I should do something similar with you, like I did with her? But I thought you'd like it better this way, and of course, I was hoping for a little reward," he replied, smiling mischievously at her.
"I thought so, but what are you offering me and what would I get?" she began the negotiation. John briefly thought about just cutting it short, but he was too curious.
"I might as well ask you that question. After all, I've told you what I'm capable of and that I'm willing to share that with you. So I'm asking you, what do you want, and what do I get in return? And a little threat by the way, I can use it all on you too," he returned the question to her and winked.
There was a moment of silence and Christina looked a little unsure at the moment.
"Getting a little revenge on Lars sounds very tempting, but I'm not quite sure what you want. Although, I can guess what you want. But whether I want that ... on the other hand, you'd get what you want anyway. So the question is much more whether I'm willing to do it voluntarily," Christina finally summarized. John just nods; after all, she had got to the point.
"I'm assuming you want something along those lines," she said, and started to take off her blouse. As she did so, she smiled at him, and his grin widened.

"It's something different, I think, when someone does it voluntarily. I mean, Marcy here does it all because she has no other choice. Although I will change that. It's also probably helpful to have a fellow campaigner who ... can give me a few ideas or point out other possibilities. Maybe Lars isn't the only one with whom you have a score to settle. What do you say, we be a team and both have a bit of fun?" 
"Let me put it this way, at least as long as I don't bore you, or you find someone else. You said she can no longer satisfy herself? What about Lars, is he still able to? And what about his father? After all, everyone is involved, or how do you see it?" 
John laughed when he heard that and nodded. "Yes, I've had that thought too, I see we understand each other." 
At that moment, he heard the front door open and shortly afterward Lars was standing in the living room. The visit to the bush had left a few marks and he looked tormented. Which wasn't surprising, as he had been squatting in a thorn bush for a while and had to keep moving. That was certainly anything but pleasant. 
"Sit down!" Christina urged him and then walked closer to John. Meanwhile, Lars immediately sat down on the floor, which made Christina grin. It was obvious that she liked it. 
"So I can get used to this ... I think I have an idea of what we could do with the two of them. How far are you prepared to go?" she asked him 
"Let's hear it, and then we'll see," he replied.

Chapter 24

Chapter Overview