Love is all around that your hand in my pants?

Hi everyone. It's Valentine's day, and our lovely girls always get a bit more frisky with one another at this time of year. Speaking of which, here is the progress update on the new content!
- Chapter 6 is nearly all written and maps are being made. The first part of the quest has been  integrated into the game file. Rendering will start soon.
- A new progression for Act 2 (after the end of Reign of Jess) will see Emma call in some old debts. Emma is, you may recall, one of Jess's followers, but used to be friends with Missy and Abbie. I've been looking forward to giving her some content for a while.
- A new breaktime event, partially repeatable, will see Missy given the opportunity to get involved with a budding business enterprise. But as always, the price isn't just money...
- The School Council will also be voting soon on what else will be going into this update.
Poll Results
Last week, we had a just-for-fun poll in which we tried to imagine some possible explanations for what Jess could be using to blackmail Miss Paris. We also had some good suggestions from the audience, some serious, some silly, including Miss Paris being a slaver, Miss Paris having made youthful indiscretions that would end her career, Miss Paris having had sex with her own sister and Miss Paris being a furry!
The most popular of mine was that Miss Paris had slept with Jessica after getting drunk. While this scenario wouldn't be a problem on its own, (teachers are free to sleep or even enter relationships with students,) there are a number of possible things that could complicate it, such as photographs, admissions of fantasies, and of course, false allegations of coercion. Would any of it be bad enough to warrant what happened at the end of Chapter 4? I'll let you decide...
Others thought Miss Paris may be an ex-stripper - it would certainly be unbecoming of a schoolteacher, and we already know from the photography sessions that she's been photographed in the nude before. Also popular was the idea of Miss Paris being a spy from the outside world! Not even sure how this one would work, but definitely something she wouldn't want people to find out.
I hope you all enjoyed this guessing game, and rest assured the real answer is on its way!