March 5th 2024: Progress Report

Oh boy, it's March already. Every month when I do a Progress Report I'm surprised by how quickly time has passed.

So let's get right down to this month's Progress Report! Sachinama has been beasting and about 50% of the CGs now have P Cups, not counting the Cut Ins!

Which you would already know if you have been following Sachinama on Ci-en, so why haven't you been?! Sachinama has also been posting weekly updates, unlike me who have switched to a monthly update format.

Speaking of me, so my board game journey continued in February, and I took a look at where I had logged my plays and

A lot of board gaming went on! And it's good thing I logged my plays because I would've forgotten them. The big thing in February was that I started moving onto campaign board games, first starting with Gloomhaven Jaws of the Lion (I thought it was eeeehhhh) on the first week of February, and then into the two big, big campaign board games that I brought and had arrived starting in the third week of February, which were Middara Act One and The 7th Citadel, both really fun and neat! I am still impressed how board games are doing stuff not being done with normal PC/video games. I also had just purchased my third big, big box campaign board game, and hopefully that will arrive next week... assuming no delays......

But, I think my journey into exploring the board game space is going to come to an end sooner than later. One thing that I've realized after playing and buying a whole lotta board games since December 2023 (According to my logs on, 30ish board games) is that I can hone into the types and mechanics of board game systems that I personally enjoy and have fun with. And within the systems that I personally enjoy, there is a smaller subset of systems that I would personally like to iterate and expend on myself. That third big, big box campaign board game that is (hopefully) coming this month is going to be me confirming if this is a mechanic I would like to incorporate myself in some way shape or form.

As for some personal health stuff that happened, I actually unfortunately caught pink eye around the third week of last month. It was actually pretty scary because not only was it the first time I got pink eye since I was a kid (and me getting pink eye as kid to me was the trigger that started deteriorating my eye sight...) but also because of the recent few years with me getting LASIK eye surgery and Sachinama and all that stuff that happened with his eyes (which are doing fine by the way!!) so I was a bit sensitive to anything related to my eyes.

I went to the eye doctor that did my surgery, got some eye drops and you know, the dang fucking pink eye just wouldn't go away. I figured ya know, when you get a bad cold or sore throat and go to the doctor and get some antibiotics, you start seeing results after like 4ish days right? But not with this pink eye apparently, it wasn't as red and itchy but it was still a bit red and itchy for way beyond a week. But last Saturday I went back for the followup and the doctor looked into my eyes, and said I should be good with continuing the eye drops for three more days and stopping. Alright then.

And that's it for this month's Progress Report, wash your hands, don't touch your eyes, stay hydrated and I'll talk to you all again next month in April!!