Mind and Body Control Ring 

Part 13B


Marcy looked frustrated, and John suspected it was because she hadn't come.  John laughed to himself, he had only allowed her to cum when her husband was cumming inside her. And by ordering Joe to do the opposite, he had effectively prevented him from pleasuring his wife, or ever pleasuring her. She looked down at herself and tried to free herself from the cum on her body with her hands. Again and again she tried to brush it away, but her hands refused to touch the sperm. Joe was still breathing heavily and looked down at his shrunken member again in shock. It was obvious that he didn't want to admit it until now.  
"Don't you like bathing in cum?" John asked her, even though the answer was pretty obvious. 
"NO ... who likes that?" she hissed at him and then looked at Joe. 
"You know I hate that!" she hissed at Joe. 
"I ... I don't know ... I ... I couldn't help it," he stammered.  
John started to laugh out loud and then looked over at Lars. 
"You can lick up the mess!" he urged Lars. 
"You want ME to DO WHAT? NO, THERE'S NO WAY I'M DOING THAT," Lars hissed defiantly as he slowly stood up. His little tail wagged back and forth with every step. It took an eternity for Lars to reach the couch. It was obvious how much he was fighting himself and ultimately losing the battle as he leaned down and started licking up the cum. John was amused by the sight for a while and then looked back at Marcy, who was looking at her son with irritation. John was sure that she had heard what he had said. 
"Anything else you don't like?" he snapped her out of her state of shock. 
"Definitely this!" she replied, first pointing down at herself and then at Lars, "Nor that we have to do what you say..." 
"Well, that's your problem. You'll have to get used to it. Your lives will be controlled by me from now on. You can thank Lars for that. After all, he's made my life hell for years and that's down to you too, so I'll make your life hell. That's only fair," John replied with a laugh, and then looked at Marcy and Joe in turn.  
"You two can even have sex as often as you want, in fact, you'll always have sex if Joe wants it. Don't worry, I'm sure he wants it a lot now, but I'm going to change that, and neither of you will have an orgasm, not without my permission. Before I send you away, I want your cell phone numbers. You will take all my calls and read all my messages too. You will do what I tell you on the phone or write to you in a message," he continued to nag the family. The three of them gave him their phone numbers, which he immediately saved in his cell phone. Then he looked at Marcy for a while.   
"But I've had enough of you for now. You can go home now. Marcy and Lars, you're going to masturbate the whole time until you get home. Once you're home, Joe will fuck you again, Marcy. So Joe can come again tonight and when he has come, he will satisfy you for another hour. I don't care if he does it orally, with his fingers or with one of your toys, if you have any. And if you really want to come, you can contact me." With these words, he kicked the family out of his house. 
As soon as they were out of the house, he created a chat group with the three of them and started writing a list of what they should get for the weekend. He could literally imagine how bad-tempered all three of them would be when they saw the list, so he looked forward to it all the more. Afterward, he wrote to Lars and told him to send him the videos and pictures he had taken and not to tell anyone. Then he went into his room and laughed out loud. The ring was the best thing that could happen to him, and he would be able to have a lot of fun with the Johnson's, Mrs. Osbourne and Brianna. But he could now influence everyone he knew and have fun if he wanted to. He was excited to see what the next few days had in store for him. He decided to take a shower and then go to bed. Before he fell asleep, he received confirmation from all three that they had read it and would take care of the list.   
Where do we go from here?
Chapter 14B

Chapter overview