Mind and Body Control Ring 

Part 14B 

Quiet day at school

The next day, he went to school as usual. However, he felt different, he felt more confident and also more self-assured. This was almost certainly due to the ring, or rather the ability it gave him. The visit from the Johnson's had shown him the dark side, and he had enjoyed it. After all, he had nothing to worry about. He could fix everything with his thoughts and or words, at least from his point of view. Inside, John was grinning ear to ear and didn't know what to do first. However, he couldn't find a real opportunity to try anything. What he had noticed was that Brianna or Mrs. Briant kept looking at him in class, and that she seemed a little restless.
The school day passed and John was about to head home when he heard Mrs. Briant's shy voice.
"Mr. Wilson ... do you have a moment for me?" 
As soon as he turned around, he saw her standing in front of him with a nervous smile

"Um... yeah, sure, what's up?" he asked, although he could already imagine the topic of conversation
She looked around to make sure no one was around before answering.
"I ... well, I ... I don't know how ... how to say it," she stammered, and John was already laughing inside again.
"I also ... don't think this is the right place ... to talk about it. Would you mind coming with me?"
John looked around and shrugged his shoulders
"Well, I don't really have any plans, so where should I ... accompany you?" he replied.
"I'd prefer somewhere quiet ... so I ... I could take you home, then we can talk about it in the car," Brianna then suggested. 
Shortly afterward, the two of them were sitting in her car. Without asking him where he lived, she drove off
"So, what did you want to talk to me about?" he asked her straight away, looking over at her. Brianna was sitting very uneasily in her chair and kept rubbing her butt over the seat.
"Yes, um, well ... I don't know how to start ... but first, where do I have to go?" 
"I want to go to your place," he said demandingly.
Brianna nodded as if it were the most normal thing in the world. John was a little unsure whether she was doing it because the ring was involved, or whether it was the after-effect of the order from detention.
"So ... you said ... that you'd like to repeat what happened yesterday. So I ... if I'm honest, I can't wait ... but now that we're going to my place ... well ... you know," she began nervously and still unsure, then changed the subject and explained what was going on. Of course, John already knew what it would be about. However, he was surprised that it happened so quickly. He would probably have to work on that, even if he didn't know how. So after she had revealed to him that she thought she was allergic to the underwear, she wanted to know if there was any other solution than not wearing underwear. John just shrugged his shoulders and replied that it might have something to do with the detergent, which she denied. The conversation dragged on until they finally arrived.
Once in the apartment, her demeanor changed a little more. 
"Mr. Wilson, can I come back to the first topic?" she asked him as soon as she had closed the door.
"Well, yes, I would like to repeat it, but I also have a certain urge in me ... I ... well, I would really like to submit to you ..." she began as soon as he nodded. She could tell she was having a hard time saying it, and as soon as he heard that, he raised an eyebrow and tilted his head from left to right and back again. 
"Did I scare you off? Was that... Was there..." she began, almost in a panic.

Chapter 15B

Chapter overview