v0.5 Progress Update

Well, well, if it isn't the final progress update of v0.5. Yup, that's right, next update post will be a GAME UPDATE *the crowd goes wild*
Want some dirty deets? Well, we've got a *spectacular* scene for Beelz, two variations of a Lucy sequence, and and a sweet, cute time-out with Eva, all along some miscellaneous surprises thrown about. Your decisions throughout the previous updates will start to show off lightly here, and only blossom the further on we go. Though don't expect Baldur's Gate level stuff, that's just witchcraft I say!
"But what's with all the punk-goth pics?" one might ask, and I will refuse to answer. You'll find out soon enough (and the reasoning is dumb, dont @ me).
I feel like I've written a lot without saying anything. Old habits? Anywho, toodle-oo, see ya' in march ;)