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I'm developing Magical Journey to Hell, an Adult Visual Novel made in Ren'Py with heavy focus on storytelling and comedy.
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v0.5 Progress Update

Well, well, if it isn't the final progress update of v0.5. Yup, that's right, next update post will be a GAME UPDATE *the crowd goes wild*
Want some dirty deets? Well, we've got a *spectacular* scene for Beelz, two variations of a Lucy sequence, and and a sweet, cute time-out with Eva, all along some miscellaneous surprises thrown about. Your decisions throughout the previous updates will start to show off lightly here, and only blossom the further on we go. Though don't expect Baldur's Gate level stuff, that's just witchcraft I say!
"But what's with all the punk-goth pics?" one might ask, and I will refuse to answer. You'll find out soon enough (and the reasoning is dumb, dont @ me).
I feel like I've written a lot without saying anything. Old habits? Anywho, toodle-oo, see ya' in march ;)
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v0.5 Progress Update

How's it going, everyone? I'm back for another PU, I promise it will be shorter than the other one.

Picking up from where we left off, the good news is that I've finished planning it all, bar some change I might feel is necessary down the line. "Bad news" is that I've decided to implement the  longest and most complex event ever, because why not. Not to spoil too much, but it's basically an event with a repeatable prompt... with many, many, many options. Yes, I'm being vague on purpose. I think it's funner to experience it first-hand.
Since the event is kinda absurdly large, I'm progressing (smoothly, I might add) on the story and once in a while returning and adding stuff or finishes certain segments. My guess is that I'll finish the main 0.5 storyline before completing the event, probably.

And last but not least, just a *bit* of story spoiler, the main girls 0.4 focused on were Meis, Teresa and Lily, and in this update the focus will shift to... queue the drum rolls... Eva, Beelz and Lucy (the 3 main girls per update seems like a decent structure). Expect some lovely scenes for each of them... what? Hand-holding? Of course not, you degenerate! Not in my house! Cutesy eye-contact and, at the most, indirect kissing. This is a christian game, for christ's sake!

That'll be all for now, so hugs and kisses, ya'll.
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Progress Update v0.5

Howdy, everyone!
Happy to be here with the first progress update for v0.5, which is going quite well, and also, sadly, not. The storyboard was pretty much complete until I decided to add and change some things, which quickly escalated to a lot of things, and so I've finally just dropped it's completion back down to 50% as I plan out what I'm actually doing in this update. Which is, quite frankly, a lot. Including one of the best hand-holding scenes I've done. Tis almost good enough to bring tears to my eyes.
So, what can we expect? For starters, we're meeting a new, rather important character! She's right there in the pic, along with a couple of... familiar(?) faces. I don't think that pic is recent though. While new, she's someone we should know, in a way... any guesses? *wink, wink*
I've also finished developing what I've finally decided to call Moirai Mode. The Moirai, or Fates, are the three sisters that decide fate, so it's fitting that utilizing their power allows you to defy it, no? With this mode activated, you won't be constrained by the laws of time and in certain segments will be able to watch all available scenes before making your decision on how to proceed forward. You want to continue Sam's storyline, yet don't want to miss out on hand-holding Elisa and Beth? Here's your golden chance! 
So, of course, with this I've updated the pre-intro (AGAIN) to add the Moirai activation prompt in New Game. Old saves will receive the prompt at the beginning of v0.5's content, similarly to the No-NTR trigger in v0.4.
I've also remade Beelz's introduction, as her animation was the first I made and it was... meh. Blurry. And random. Her new intro isn't too far off from the original, but I think it makes more sense in the story, adds mystery and, most importantly, looks better. I'll add a "cute" preview for Skye Fans and up over at our Discord server.
Which brings me to a change in structure! Previously, I would add all previews and bundles here on Patreon/SubscribeStar, but moving forward, and to avoid post spamming and diluting the important and more interesting posts, I'll be transferring those pics and bundles over to Discord directly. Just a heads up in case you're wondering where they all went in the future. I'll mostly reserve posts here for Progress Updates, releases and other big announcements.
This post is going on longer than I expected so I'm gonna stop right about now. I'll try to be more consistent and post a progress update every month, if my dumbass brain allows it. No promises, but I'll try. Hugs and kisses, ya'll.
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It's coming, folks (in more ways than one *wink, wink*)

So, having a full-time job sucks. Yeah, sure, it pays the bills yada-yada, but I don't have that much time left to fa- I mean, develop this. But I managed to advance a ton nonetheless, and got a few vacations days now to focus 100% on this and finish up what's left. A final, huge push to bring to you this juicy, exciting update! This month is the month, the question is if halfway through or towards the end of the month.

Teresa, Lily and Meis take the forefront here. We'll be learning about Teresa's mysterious past, we'll see Meis's more delicate side, and Lily... she's still the zoomer we all know and love.
Not only that, this update will bring in a named character we have yet to meet that I'm sure you'll all adore. Or hate. He's an idiot.

So far this update has 4 different smexy time events prepared, but my goal is to up that now to at least 7. And there's a shit ton of renders that were made with love(stains). 

What else can I say? I'm super hyped to release this, dammit!  

See you soon,
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Happy friday!
I know what y'all are thinking, how's 0.4 going? When's it coming out? I don't wanna give any real ETA just yet, but let's say progress is going smoothly for a Summer release (June? July? AUGUST?).

The update is, with rough math, at about 16% completion. Since this is the first time I'm talking about it, I'll give a quick rundown on how this is calculated. If you don't care about how any of this works, you may skip to the last paragraph =)

I separated my tasks into 5 separate chunks with different completion weights (how much time it consumes in comparison to the others, in very rough estimates of course). We got Storyboard with a 15% value, Script and Coding weigh 35%, Renders another 25%, Animation 20% and Music/Sound is just 5%. Script and Coding could probably be two separate categories but since I usually write them hand in hand I just pile them together.
With this in mind, how are each of those categories doing?

Storyboard: 80%
Script/Coding: 6%
Renders: 5%
Animations: 0%
Music/Sound: 0%

Which comes down to 16%. Technically, we could bump Storyboard up to 100% since it's "complete", the main bulk time spent on planning and writing out the scenarios is done, buuuut whenever I'm writing out scenes or making renders I sometimes come up with ideas of different scenes that would be cool to add that shake up the Storyboard a bit (for example, Val's scenes weren't planned in 0.3 originally), so I leave about 20% as leeway, just in case.
The script and render percentages are based off the total script lines and renders from 0.3, so the numbers could be off if I end up with way more or way less codes/renders. But it gives a general idea of where we are at.

Finally, animations and music will probably be at 0% all the way until script and renders are at about 90%. I like leaving those for the end, especially animations since they are trickier than most everything else and I wouldn't want to spend too much time building them to later scrap them.

So, yeah, that's about it for today! Next progress update I'll talk a bit more about what you can expect to see in 0.4 (the above pic already says a lot, tho), and also stay tuned for this months render pack for Mochi Defenders and up!


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Bunny year, here we come!

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