
Yep, turns out there were some very annoying bugs I had to fix. I list them here.
  • The walkthrough appearing even when you have it disabled (Except clapped)
  • Some animations resetting to the beginning again after playing when they shouldn't.
  • Hopefully all the sex stats nonsense. (If your save is already affected by this, toggle sex
  • stats wipe on and off in the rename menu.)
  • Various other minor things that may or may not have been mentioned to me.
Next thing, and the reason for there being a frog wearing a fun hat. That's not really a frog, it's a gnome! Or at least as close as I could make to a gnome using only a frog and a cone shape.

I'm introducing a new tier between Professor and Magistrate. If nothing else just because there's a bit of a jump between them. Here's what it gets. Naturally the Magistrate tier will get both of these as well in addition to what it already gets.

You're a pesky gnome! I know it looks like a frog, but shup up! It's a gnome! You're a gnome!
And as a pesky gnome, in addition to all the previous benefits you also get...
  • Access to non public development updates.
  • Access to download updates as soon as they're ready.
  • (Optional) Your name on the Academy Alumni wall.*
  • You can request any render in the game in its original 4k form once a month (Assuming I have it in 4k. I only started doing original renders in 4k part way through 0.23.1)
  • Pesky gnomes like to more objects. As a one time bonus, you can choose an object to be mysteriously placed on MC's desk for the rest of the game. Just message me what you want to add. I'm sure MC and the girls definitely won't notice a big pile of stuff appearing....
  • Obviously there are some limitations to this when it comes to size.
  • It also depends on whether it's something I actually have a model for, or can make. Keep it reasonably simple. I could do "A burger with a candle in it" but I wouldn't be able to do "1:100 scale Minas Tirith model"
  • I also reserve final say on it, though I'll try to make most things work. This rule is mostly there for if someone tries to get me to add a swastika or something.

I've also added two other tiers, but they're primarily there for anyone who wants to give more, but there wasn't a tier for it. Of course you get all the previous benefits, but they don't give anything extra. I'm not expecting them to be popular tiers, but having a some stupid money tiers does seem to be something a lot of devs do. Guess I'll see how it goes.

Final thing (And this will count as a dev update), work on 0.23.2 is underway, and has been for about a week. I have no idea at this stage when it will be done, but ideally this time it will be longer than 0.23.1, though still shorter than 0.22 I think. Stay tuned for more updates on that :D