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Hikari, not being a real Raven Corps Operator, has brought the wrong type of magazines for her gun. Stoopid Hikari.

Anyway, there's no real reason to subscribe to this unless you have too much money and you really really really want to see the game continue to be worked on. (Hopefully full time at some point in the future.)

If you decide to subscribe to this, you get all previous benefits, as well is my heartfelt thanks in the form of an automated email confirmation. Truly the most personal of responses. (Assuming SS sends those. I have no idea if SS sends those.)

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Community render poll July 2024 - Content (Plus character results)

Posted for $3, $5, $10, $20, $26, $63, $95 tiers
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Community render poll July 2024 - Character

Posted for $3, $5, $10, $20, $26, $63, $95 tiers
Unlock Tier

Community Render June 2024

Posted for $3, $5, $10, $20, $26, $63, $95 tiers
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Development update #28

Posted for $3, $5, $10, $20, $26, $63, $95 tiers
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Public post

Community render poll results!!

That's right! I accidentally set all the polls to last a week longer than they were supposed to! Good job me! (Scroll down a bit if you just wanna see the results)

Rather than actually closing them, I've just counted up all the votes now like I originally intended. It's been a strange experience, and I've come up with a much better way to do it next time that isn't nearly as tedious to set up, nor is it as scuffed. This one is definitely scuffed. Turns out that if someone voted, and then upgraded their tier to a higher one, they'd then also get a vote in the other tier's poll. However, because I was having a python script run through all the results (From both here, and from patreon) it meant that it would count both votes at the whatever tier the person was at when I ran the script since it cross references email addresses with current support tier. It would take ages for me to go through and correct every instance of this, so for this one I'm just rolling with it. It was just a test after all. But yeah, if you went through and counted everything you might get different results due to not being able to see all the upgrades and stuff . (Info at the very bottom regarding the next one of these I'll do and how it will be different.)

(Most of the above was written for patreon where there's a bit of a different system. Here I just counted manually since there weren't as many votes overall.)

Anyway, the results. I'll just go through the top 3 but I'll post the full results at in the attachments.
First, the character poll.

In 3rd place, we have a tie between the two bitchy girls, Akemi and Olivia! They both ended up with 63 votes when accounting for weighting, though Akemi got 30 actual votes, whilst Olivia got 25, so you could say that Akemi won. But it's the weighting that counts, so they tied for 3rd place :D That gives them a good chance for the next poll :D

In 2nd place, something a bit strange happened. It appears that the Raven Corps operator tier launched a special operation to install a new "best girl" by all voting for Raven (Who if you don't remember, is the girl who works at the sex toy shop). Their efforts combined with a few other people who also voted for Raven very nearly worked, pushing Raven into the lead for a while. It seems the conventional army has bested the special forces though in this case, but only just, leaving Raven in 2nd place with a total of 5 votes, representing 66 weighted votes.

And in 1st place....
Hikari has come flying in at the last second to clutch out the win. Raven was winning up until about a day ago, but then Hikari got a few extra votes that allowed her to topple Raven and win overall. She got 25 votes total, but when you account for weighting, she got 72 votes. Good job Hikari, but I don't think she's gonna like the type of render she's gonna end up in lol.

Onwards to the content poll. Less drama here, it was a bit one sided. Went like this...
1st - Public humiliation - Weighted 152 votes
2nd - Cell phone selfie - Weighted 105 votes
3rd - Masturbation - Weighted 43 votes

As you can see, public humiliation swept the competition here. Not hugely surprising lol

One issue with the way the poll was run this time was all the polls running at once, which kinda means that people vote for the content they like before they know which character it's gonna apply to. I suspect in this case most of the people who voted for public humiliation were probably also voting for Olivia or Akemi, but since Hikari won the character poll, she'll be getting the public humiliation instead lol. So in future ones I'll probably be doing the character poll in the first week of the month, and the content poll in the second week. That way people can decide which content to vote for based on the character that won the content poll.

So yeah, final winner is Hikari - Public Humiliation. I'll be making and releasing the render towards the end of the month. Olivia has once again thrown Hikari under the bus by making everyone vote for public humiliation, and then stepping aside to let Hikari take the punishment for her. Very in character for her. Seems she tricked Akemi into being part of it too. Shame on them.

Anyway, here's how it'll work next month.

As the winner of the character poll, Hikari will have her votes reset to 0 for next month, but all other characters will keep their votes from this month to give them a head start over Hikari. Hikari could still win this month if she got enough votes, but it's unlikely.

The content choices will be swapped out for different ones, except because it came in second place, Cell phone selfie will appear again next month, and will keep its votes, giving it a head start for next month. (I'll also probably be giving 4 or 5 options next month instead of just 3)

There will only be 2 polls next month since I no longer need to do a seperate one for each tier. I can have my script work out all the weighting by comparing the email addresses of voters to their tier. This does however mean that your vote will be weighted according to whatever tier you're subbed to when I count the votes.

So yeah, should be fun. Now I have to think about what kind of public humiliation Hikari's gonna get whilst also making sure I don't somehow get myself banned with it. Lotsa fun.

Since I can't attach the rtf files, I'll just paste the text here. You may notice some votes being listed as "Free". This is because of people voting and then unsubbing before I did the count. To fix that I'd have to manually check what tier someone was at before they unsubbed, and that's tedious, so they just get counted teh same as applicants basically so their vote still kinda counts..


1."Hikari":25 votes, Weighted: 72
 Free:1 votes, Weighted: 1
 Applicant:4 votes, Weighted: 4
 Student:7 votes, Weighted: 14
 Professor:11 votes, Weighted: 33
 Pesky Gnome:0 votes, Weighted: 0
 Magistrate:1 votes, Weighted: 8
 Director:1 votes, Weighted: 12
 Raven Corps Operator:0 votes, Weighted: 0

2."Raven":5 votes, Weighted: 66
 Free:0 votes, Weighted: 0
 Applicant:0 votes, Weighted: 0
 Student:2 votes, Weighted: 4
 Professor:0 votes, Weighted: 0
 Pesky Gnome:0 votes, Weighted: 0
 Magistrate:1 votes, Weighted: 8
 Director:0 votes, Weighted: 0
 Raven Corps Operator:3 votes, Weighted: 54

3."Akemi":30 votes, Weighted: 63
 Free:1 votes, Weighted: 1
 Applicant:8 votes, Weighted: 8
 Student:11 votes, Weighted: 22
 Professor:9 votes, Weighted: 27
 Pesky Gnome:1 votes, Weighted: 5
 Magistrate:0 votes, Weighted: 0
 Director:0 votes, Weighted: 0
 Raven Corps Operator:0 votes, Weighted: 0

3."Olivia":25 votes, Weighted: 63
 Free:2 votes, Weighted: 2
 Applicant:3 votes, Weighted: 3
 Student:9 votes, Weighted: 18
 Professor:9 votes, Weighted: 27
 Pesky Gnome:1 votes, Weighted: 5
 Magistrate:1 votes, Weighted: 8
 Director:0 votes, Weighted: 0
 Raven Corps Operator:0 votes, Weighted: 0

4."Riley":12 votes, Weighted: 25
 Free:1 votes, Weighted: 1
 Applicant:3 votes, Weighted: 3
 Student:3 votes, Weighted: 6
 Professor:5 votes, Weighted: 15
 Pesky Gnome:0 votes, Weighted: 0
 Magistrate:0 votes, Weighted: 0
 Director:0 votes, Weighted: 0
 Raven Corps Operator:0 votes, Weighted: 0

5."Cassie":4 votes, Weighted: 23
 Free:0 votes, Weighted: 0
 Applicant:2 votes, Weighted: 2
 Student:0 votes, Weighted: 0
 Professor:1 votes, Weighted: 3
 Pesky Gnome:0 votes, Weighted: 0
 Magistrate:0 votes, Weighted: 0
 Director:0 votes, Weighted: 0
 Raven Corps Operator:1 votes, Weighted: 18

6."Taliya":6 votes, Weighted: 11
 Free:0 votes, Weighted: 0
 Applicant:3 votes, Weighted: 3
 Student:1 votes, Weighted: 2
 Professor:2 votes, Weighted: 6
 Pesky Gnome:0 votes, Weighted: 0
 Magistrate:0 votes, Weighted: 0
 Director:0 votes, Weighted: 0
 Raven Corps Operator:0 votes, Weighted: 0

7."Swimlord/Gymlord Rachel":4 votes, Weighted: 8
 Free:0 votes, Weighted: 0
 Applicant:2 votes, Weighted: 2
 Student:0 votes, Weighted: 0
 Professor:2 votes, Weighted: 6
 Pesky Gnome:0 votes, Weighted: 0
 Magistrate:0 votes, Weighted: 0
 Director:0 votes, Weighted: 0
 Raven Corps Operator:0 votes, Weighted: 0

8."Jade":3 votes, Weighted: 7
 Free:0 votes, Weighted: 0
 Applicant:2 votes, Weighted: 2
 Student:0 votes, Weighted: 0
 Professor:0 votes, Weighted: 0
 Pesky Gnome:1 votes, Weighted: 5
 Magistrate:0 votes, Weighted: 0
 Director:0 votes, Weighted: 0
 Raven Corps Operator:0 votes, Weighted: 0

9."Ms Hawthorne":3 votes, Weighted: 6
 Free:0 votes, Weighted: 0
 Applicant:1 votes, Weighted: 1
 Student:1 votes, Weighted: 2
 Professor:1 votes, Weighted: 3
 Pesky Gnome:0 votes, Weighted: 0
 Magistrate:0 votes, Weighted: 0
 Director:0 votes, Weighted: 0
 Raven Corps Operator:0 votes, Weighted: 0

10."Beth":1 votes, Weighted: 3
 Free:0 votes, Weighted: 0
 Applicant:0 votes, Weighted: 0
 Student:0 votes, Weighted: 0
 Professor:1 votes, Weighted: 3
 Pesky Gnome:0 votes, Weighted: 0
 Magistrate:0 votes, Weighted: 0
 Director:0 votes, Weighted: 0
 Raven Corps Operator:0 votes, Weighted: 0

10."Anika":2 votes, Weighted: 3
 Free:1 votes, Weighted: 1
 Applicant:0 votes, Weighted: 0
 Student:1 votes, Weighted: 2
 Professor:0 votes, Weighted: 0
 Pesky Gnome:0 votes, Weighted: 0
 Magistrate:0 votes, Weighted: 0
 Director:0 votes, Weighted: 0
 Raven Corps Operator:0 votes, Weighted: 0

11."Ashley":2 votes, Weighted: 2
 Free:0 votes, Weighted: 0
 Applicant:2 votes, Weighted: 2
 Student:0 votes, Weighted: 0
 Professor:0 votes, Weighted: 0
 Pesky Gnome:0 votes, Weighted: 0
 Magistrate:0 votes, Weighted: 0
 Director:0 votes, Weighted: 0
 Raven Corps Operator:0 votes, Weighted: 0
12."Emilie":No votes
12."Paige":No votes

12."Julia":No votes

12."Millie":No votes

12."Raya":No votes

12."The blonde girl from the pool":No votes

12."The brunette girl from the pool":No votes


1."Public humiliation":58 votes, Weighted: 152
Free:3 votes, Weighted: 3
Applicant:13 votes, Weighted: 13
Student:14 votes, Weighted: 28
Professor:22 votes, Weighted: 72
Pesky Gnome:2 votes, Weighted: 10
Magistrate:1 votes, Weighted: 8
Director:0 votes, Weighted: 0
Raven Corps Operator:1 votes, Weighted: 18

2."Cell phone nude":28 votes, Weighted: 105
Free:0 votes, Weighted: 0
Applicant:8 votes, Weighted: 8
Student:10 votes, Weighted: 20
Professor:6 votes, Weighted: 18
Pesky Gnome:1 votes, Weighted: 5
Magistrate:0 votes, Weighted: 0
Director:0 votes, Weighted: 0
Raven Corps Operator:3 votes, Weighted: 54

3."Masturbation":21 votes, Weighted: 43
Free:1 votes, Weighted: 1
Applicant:7 votes, Weighted: 7
Student:9 votes, Weighted: 18
Professor:3 votes, Weighted: 9
Pesky Gnome:0 votes, Weighted: 0
Magistrate:1 votes, Weighted: 8
Director:0 votes, Weighted: 0
Raven Corps Operator:0 votes, Weighted: 0

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(Applicant) Monthly Render poll #1 - Content

Posted for $3 tier
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