Progress update- technical expressions work

Long delay from the last post due to being overstressed from IRL stuff. I needed a break and took it, which I think is fine, but I don't feel good about missing a weekly update. Next time I'll try to make a quick "aaaaa i need a break brb" post. Also I'm gonna re-check comments and messages when I can to make sure I haven't missed anything. Anyway, here's what I got! (it's aaaall technical stuff this time, y'all)
Brain/body actions can be shared to make character creation easy (especially for expressions), and I'm now shifting focus on to grouping Action types together into their own Pools so that expression logic can have its own little space.

Sharing actions
I can make a general base set of e.g. pony actions, reactions, and animations associated with those, and use that for all ponies. Then branch that off into different general categories endlessly. Individuals can override any part of that with their own unique properties. Expressions are just one of many ways to use this! ^^
The brain data is defined entirely without a body. You could implant a brain into a toy or other object, for example (gonna use that for TF stuff). That brain simply describes general actions/reactions it has to stimuli. The body itself defines how it expresses those actions/reactions. All of that needs to be able to be shared to make creating brains and bodies easier.
It's the same as inheriting any other data in this engine, except... there's only one* brain per overall "object"/character. That means that brain-related properties don't stack the way that body part properties stack, where properties on an arm don't affect properties on a bellybutton. Instead, they need merge together intelligently. 
Right now it's semi-intelligent cause this is a really deep rabbit hole with diminishing returns. It merges in an intuitive way as long as you don't try anything too clever. Otherwise it explodes. Good enough for now!
...good enough, because digging even one step further into this feature actually pulls us straight into dealing with AI and the logical actions features I have planned for a bit later in the dev schedule. I'm exercising immense levels of self control by not just diving in and throwing the whole schedule out the window. My project manager is a no-fun hardass and is also me.
*okay and yes the possibility of multiple brains, like for multi-headed creatures, multiple-souls-one-body situations, or plural identities in general, has indeed crossed my mind. Not gonna dive into that right now but I'm leaving the option open for the future :3

Next up, action pools.
All action/reactions are treated the same right now, but I want to pool them together so similar actions can override and interact with each other. Expressions are a constant war of which emotions break through to the face, and its really satisfying to see that happen. That's what I'm working on now~

Also thank you for the feedback on the poll! I'll be absorbing your knowledge and will announce next steps for that when I'm ready to.
...and that's all for now!
The guilt gets to me when I step back from the code even for a moment, and even when it's a better decision for my health and the health of the project. I did it though! I feel that crappy feeling when you make yourself do something you know is a good decision but your stupid brain tells you is a bad scary terrible idea that will definitely kill you.
Thank you peeps for the unbelievable amount of support you give to this absurd project <3