Mind and Body Control Ring 

Part 20

Of course not

Carla sucked wildly on his cock while she kept raising and lowering her head. The more time passed, the wilder she became, which was certainly because he was also stimulating her. Her moans did not escape him, despite the sucking noises. Even though he could decide if and when he would come, he found it difficult not to simply cum. He could feel the pressure on his balls and he weighed them up sometimes as he began to twitch and moan louder. Meanwhile, he had placed one of his hands on her firm breast and stroked her nipple with his finger, which he had also made very receptive by the way. To be on the safe side, he had also made sure that she couldn't come if he didn't want her to. She now pushed his cock deep into her throat and moved her head back and forth to make him cum after all. But his will was strong enough to resist the urge to come, he wanted to know how far she would go. She kept looking up at him, her blue eyes literally burning with lust, and then the cell phone started ringing. The timer had gone off.
"I ... ahh ... I think I've ... won ..." John moaned. Carla let him plunge deep into her throat once more before she sat up, breathing heavily.
"Looks ... like it," she replied, breathing heavily, "however you did it," she added after two deep breaths. She seemed less disappointed and much more impressed. She immediately explained why.
"Well, usually the young guys don't last this long and a deal is a deal. You decide what we do tonight."
After lying down on her stomach and looking at him, she asked: "So, what are you going to do? You haven't come yet." 

Her hand gently stroked up and down his leg, and his mind raced. 
"I don't think I'm quite sure what you mean by that yet, but I'd like to know what you would have done if you had won." 
"I like playing with men like you," she replied playfully. 
"You young guys in particular often don't know what you want. But you seem to be a bit different. After all, you managed not to come, and as I said, not many manage that. So, what will it be? I'll do anything you want, as long as it's in this apartment," she replied. 
First, John raised himself up and sat comfortably on the bed. 
"So you enjoy playing ... I think I will too. But first you should take care of THIS one and finish what you started!" 
She smiled when she heard that and crawled back between his legs to pick up where she'd left off. He knew she liked having his cock shoved deep down her throat, so he put his hand on her head and gently pushed it down first. She didn't put up any resistance, and he felt the tip of her nose touch his pubic area. She obviously didn't have a gag reflex. Furthermore, she took her blonde mane in her hand to move her head up and down unhindered. His movements became more and more passionate and the moment he came, he pulled her head up so far that she only had his glans in her mouth. Her eyes widened as her mouth filled with his cum, and she realized that there was no end to it. She swallowed as quickly as she could so as not to lose a drop. John laughed inwardly, she was a slutty slut, but the question he asked himself was whether she was becoming one because of him or had been before. Then again, he just didn't care. When she had swallowed the last drop he had given of himself, she looked at him almost dreamily. 
"You're full of surprises, that was the biggest load I've ever had. But what about me now?" she asked him seductively. 
"Don't worry, I have more stamina than most would believe," he replied confidently. 
"THAT'S what everyone says, and in the end..." she argued with him and squealed as he grabbed her and stood up with her. 
"Then I'll prove it to you!" he said with a laugh and pulled her to the window. She looked at him in horror, probably wondering what he was up to. The first thing he did was push her in front of him and press her against the window pane. Only now did he realize that he was looking out onto the main street, but Carla hardly put up any resistance. 
"Are you serious? You want to show me off to the world?" was the only thing she said, but she didn't really mean it. He had one arm around her upper body, and with the other hand, he pushed her legs apart a little. As soon as her legs were far enough apart, he slid his cock between them and rubbed it against her wet cunt. Carla moaned immediately, greedily. 
"Are you ... just ... teasing me ... or are you ... fucking me now?" she asked him, whimpering with pleasure. 
"A little teasing sounds good," he said with a grin, and continued to rub himself against her. Her hips began to move with him, and she started to moan softly. 
"Now fuck ... me ... do I have to ... beg you?" she wanted to know from him and tried everything to get him to finally penetrate her with his cock. 
"Oh, that sounds good! That's something new for me..." he replied and started to massage her firm breasts. 
"Fuck me, please FUUUCK MEEEE," she begged. John stopped moving, and she looked at him demandingly over her shoulder. 
"PLEEAAASEE," she begged one more time, and he just shook his head. 
"Open the window and lean out, and you'll get what you want," he urged her. Her eyes widened again. The street was quite busy, and it wasn't without risk, even if she lived on the third floor. Nevertheless, she reached for the window handle and opened it. The two of them had to step back to do so. As soon as the window was open, she placed both hands on the windowsill and leaned out with her upper body. So she presented herself straight. John fulfilled his promise and began to take her from behind. She whimpered and suppressed her urge to moan loudly as he did so. As he did so, John lifted the barrier to her orgasm. He wanted her to come as often as possible. As soon as he lifted the lock, her body began to twitch, and she screamed her orgasm into her closed mouth before collapsing slightly. John held her tight and just kept going.