Mind and Body Control Ring 

Part 21 

End of the school day

It was a sunny Wednesday morning, John was sitting in class and his mind was somewhere else. It was math and Mrs. Briant, or Brianna to him now, was teaching. His gaze wandered around the class and kept landing on Sarah, who was listening, taking notes and occasionally glancing towards the window.

She was really seductive to John as she gazed dreamily out of the window until she turned her attention back to the lesson. His mind was racing, and he wondered how he could strike up a conversation with her. He laughed inwardly because with the ring, it was no problem for him. From her student file, John now knew that Sarah lived just a few streets away and decided to visit her after school. 
Then he looked at Mrs. Briant, who was writing something on the blackboard. A soft giggle came over him as he thought about his 'detention' with her, where he had changed her body for a while. He would have liked to do it again straight away and make these changes permanent, but he was still too unsure. The last few days, he had learned that he really could control everyone he saw, but what would happen if someone found out and prevented him from seeing anything? 
Only now did he realize that he knew far too little about his abilities. He only knew that he had to see the person to influence or change them. He also knew that he could influence several people at the same time, but not how many. Furthermore, he definitely had to try it out. 
His memories of the last two days came flooding back, and something stirred in his pants. What he had also noticed was that he was getting hornier faster and his thoughts were increasingly revolving around sex. He wondered whether it was because he had changed, or whether it was the ring itself that was affecting him. But before he could pursue his thoughts any further, the bell rang and the lesson was over. That was the end of the school day and everyone could either go home or go to their clubs. 
Before he left the classroom, he sneaked into Sarah's head and arranged a study session with her for the evening. As soon as he had left the classroom, he walked down the corridor. He was just turning into one of the less frequented corridors when he was grabbed out of nowhere and pushed against the wall. He felt the pressure of the rucksack against his back, and the next thing he felt was a punch in the pit of his stomach. Tears welled up in his eyes and he saw Lars standing in front of him. John felt a hand press against his shoulder. 
"How did you do that?" Lars hissed, looking him angrily in the eye. Lars looked extremely irritated and completely exhausted. Only after he had taken a few deep breaths was John able to answer. 
"... What exactly ... do you mean? That you wet your pants? That your mother gave me a blowjob? That I fucked her like a whore? Many things happened," he teased Lars, and was immediately hit in the pit of the stomach. 
John bit away the pain and slumped down. If he hadn't been pushed against the wall by Lars, he would have fallen to his knees immediately. 
"I'm so going to ..." Lars hissed in his ear. 
"WILL ... YOU .... NOT ... GET OFF ME!" John struggled and Lars let go of him immediately. No one had noticed yet, which was not unusual. But what irritated John a little was that Lars was alone. Usually, he always had a few of his friends with him, and John would take care of them too. He had completely forgotten about them during all the events, and he even had a plan for them. 
"You know that wasn't very clever, right?" he asked smugly. 
Lars looked at him angrily with narrowed eyes. 
"That's what I thought. You should go home and tell your parents what happened. And then you and your mother will come and see me, do you understand me?" 
Lars nodded reluctantly and was about to leave, but John held him tightly and whispered in his ear. 
"Tell her to only wear a coat, high heels and underwear! Then you can go back to watching what your mother is prepared to do to protect you." 
Then he started to laugh and let Lars go for good. John looked after him for a while and was about to leave when he heard a voice. 
"What did you do to him?" he was asked and saw Christina when he turned around. 
"What do you mean?" 
"He let you go as soon as you told him, he never does that. And about his mother ... that sounded strange. What do you have on him? AND HOW DID YOU GET THAT?" she asked, giving him a demanding but friendly look. 
John wondered whether he should just let her forget about it, or whether he should tell her about his options. He knew that she was also being bullied by Lars, so maybe he could do her a favor and she would make friends with him of her own accord.