Mind and Body Control Ring 

Part 19

Carla Surprised

The two of them tossed and turned a little while they kissed and explored each other's bodies. John naturally made sure she liked what he was doing, and her body responded accordingly. While one hand caressed her inner thighs under her pants, the other wandered over her back and flank. Her hands also wandered over his body until she suddenly grabbed his arms and pressed them down on the couch next to his head. She released the longest kiss he'd ever had and then straightened up. As she sat upright on top of him, she moved her hips slowly and gently back and forth. John felt his cock filling increasingly with blood. His desire to make love to her grew as well, he looked up at her with a mischievous, confident smile.
"So the way you're acting, I'm one of the first to sleep with you, am I right?" she asked him challengingly, continuing to rub herself against him. She bit her lower lip with her incisors, and he saw her tongue in the corner of her mouth for a moment.
"What if that were the case?" he asked, his voice quivering with excitement. Her grin widened.
"That would mean more fun for me. It's fun to show you young guys how it works..." she replied, but John interrupted her.
"You're not much older than me!" he defended himself, slightly indignantly. She laughed out loud when she heard his words and tilted her head back. Her laughter dragged on for a while, then she pressed his wrists more firmly onto the couch and looked at him sharply.
"So I'm 28, young man!" she informed him of her age. That surprised John , he had thought she was younger.
"Yeah, you're surprised now, aren't you?"
John just nodded and began to move his hips with hers.
"Ah, are you finally ready? Come on then!" she urged him and climbed off him. She left him no other choice, she still had both of his wrists in her hand, and she pulled him into the bedroom with her. The room was much smaller than the living room, and he stood in front of the bed almost immediately. He wanted to look around, but didn't get the chance because she immediately pushed him onto the bed, but remained standing there herself.
"Now, if you'll be good, I'll be good to you," she said, giggling, and John nodded.
"Stay good! Just close it, don't do anything else and don't touch me!" she instructed him in a stern voice before giggling again. John didn't quite understand but went along with her game, but he still asked: "WHAT?"
"Stay down, hands where I can see them and DON'T touch them! You won't regret it," she repeated herself and winked at him. John wanted to lie down comfortably until he realized he was still wearing his shoes, so he stayed like that, with his feet outside the bed, and got involved in her game.
She went to the shelf behind her, and he listened to music. She started to dance lasciviously, her hips spinning in circles, and she kept showing him her ass. As soon as she had turned around, she slowly pulled up her shirt. He saw more and more of her slim body. He would have loved to stand up and grab her. There was no reason why he shouldn't, all he had to do was think it or say it and she would have agreed. But not knowing what would happen was also appealing. She had now lifted her shirt up to under her breasts when she pulled it down again.
"I think you're wearing more than I am. You're even still wearing your shoes," she said, taking off first one and then the other. John was about to stand up to undress completely, but she raised her finger in warning.
"Stay down!" she insisted as she climbed back onto the bed with him. It wasn't long before she was sitting upright on his lap. She immediately started rubbing herself against him again and felt the full size of his cock. Her grin widened and he raised his hands. Carla slapped her hands over his.
"I told you to stay down and NOT touch me!" she reprimanded him again. She placed her hands on the sides of her breasts and squeezed them a little before sliding them down her flanks. As soon as her hands touched him, she reached for the hem of his shirt and slowly pulled it up. It took her a little while to free him from it because he was still lying on his shirt and deliberately not moving. Now that his upper body was free, she stroked it with her fingernails. She stroked up and down with both hands, his body tensed and he wanted more. When her hands reached his waistband for the third time, she opened his trousers, separated her hips from his and slowly removed his trousers. She kissed him from his chest down to his belly button. John moaned with pleasure. It had been worth it for him so far. She stood up to take his pants off completely and then remained sitting on his knees.
"Someone's really looking forward to this!" she announced with a grin and stroked his cock through his boxer shorts. John pinched his lips together and fought the urge to just take her.
"That ... that doesn't really surprise you, does it?" he asked and was about to raise his hand, but didn't when she looked at him reproachfully.
"Yes, I'm already a good boy!" he moaned and continued to look at her expectantly. His cock was already throbbing, and he finally wanted more, she had been teasing him for a while now and was still wearing her shirt and yoga pants while he was almost naked. He thought that was somehow unfair. As if she could read his mind, she pulled her shirt over her head and presented him with her well-formed, firm breasts with soft pink nipples that were already hard. She had been horny for much longer than John , he knew that for sure. After all, he was the one who had made her that way, but he was still surprised that she was taking so long. She leaned forward again and kissed his stomach, but this time she made sure that his cock was between her brushes. His cock was lightly massaged by her movements, as she always moved between his chest and his belly button. Once again, he had to fight the urge to just grab her, and he really didn't know how much longer he wanted to play along before it finally got down to business.
He just hoped she sensed his impatience and didn't want to stir it up much further.
"He's pretty big, let's see how big he really is," she said and sat back down on his knees to take off his boxers. As soon as he was stripped down to his socks, she took his cock in her hand.
"I like that! Since you've been so good up to this point, except for the brief moments, and haven't touched me, I'll make you a suggestion. How about a little bet?" she asked him.
"What kind of bet?" he wanted to know and then took a deep breath.
"If you manage not to come in the next five minutes, you will get to decide what happens for the rest of the evening, if not, I get to decide what happens!" she offered him her bet, gently stroking his shaft with her finger, which immediately twitched a little. She grinned and was sure that he wouldn't last five minutes, at least that's how she looked. Inwardly John grinned broadly, he knew he could pass the time effortlessly, but he pretended to her that he was unsure.
"If you don't accept the bet, I'm afraid you'll have to leave. That would be a shame, wouldn't it? Apart from my head, you can even touch me."
"O- okay ... if I can hold out for five minutes, that's my evening?" he followed up, playing unsure. She nodded and held his cock in her petite hand.
"Who's stopping?" he wanted to know.
"Oh, there was something ... wait a minute," she said with a giggle, stood up and took his smartphone out of his trousers. After throwing it at him, she took off her yoga pants and sat back down on his legs. In fact, her vagina rested over his knee. He felt the moisture and warmth and grinned. He was allowed to touch her, he could use that.
"Ready?" she wanted to know. He had used the time and had already set the timer. He showed her the cell phone to prove it. She took it from his hand and leaned forward. As soon as her lips touched the tip of his cock, she started the timer and put the cell phone down next to him.
John felt her slowly open her lips and take his cock deeper and deeper into her mouth. He moaned loudly as her tongue began to circle his glans, and got a muffled giggle in response. His cock sank deeper and deeper into her mouth. John lifted his knee slightly and began to press against her cunt in a circular motion. Surprised, she lifted her hips and tilted her head to look at him sharply.
"You ... said ... everything but your ... head!" he returned her gaze. At the same time, he made sure it was like masturbation for her. Now she began to moan, but continued with the deep blowjob.