Mind and Body Control Ring 

Part 18

She follows him

After his meeting with Mrs. Osbourne, where he was able to secure some information, he wondered what he should do. He could go home first and review the data to find possible targets. He had also granted Mrs. Osbourne something, but she didn't know his price yet. So John grinned broadly. 
"John ?" he heard Carla's friendly voice behind him and was startled. She had followed him, and he hadn't even noticed. John turned around with a smile and looked at the petite blonde. She smiled at him again, radiant and seductive.

This time he was able to look her up and down. She was young, pretty and sweet. No comparison to Marcy or Brianna, but it was good that he had changed her perception and she still looked like she was horny, he hadn't done anything about that after all, the fact that he was now exactly her type made things easier, of course. 
"Yes?" he addressed her. 
"I was wondering if we should go for a coffee, after all I'm not a teacher, or you know," she asked him, looking nervous but still confident. He hadn't planned anything special anyway and, even though he'd really had a lot of fun the day before, it couldn't hurt to have it today too. 
"Um, well... sure, but I'm not really into the coffee shops or crowds in general," he replied. 
"We could also go to your place or mine," she suggested and giggled a little. 
"Let's go to your place then, do you have a car?" he accepted her offer. 
"I have a car, come with me," she replied, and he followed her to her car. The drive took a while, and she asked him many questions. There was nothing suggestive, so he answered every question. It turned out that she lived in a small apartment on the outskirts of town. 
"I only moved in a few months ago. The apartment was cheap, and I like the location," she said as they walked up the stairs in the hallway. 
He just nodded and walked into the apartment with her, which looked tidy at first glance. 
"Do you mind if I change?" she asked him. 
"Um, no, should I?" he replied in surprise, earning another giggle from her. 
"Well, I don't actually do that," she said as she moved away from him and went into an adjoining room. He guessed that it was her bedroom, most people had their closet in their bedroom. 
"What aren't you doing?" he called after her and continued to look around the living room, it was nice and simple, yet furnished to a high standard. A couch, a TV, a few pictures, nothing special. Only now did he notice that she hadn't closed the door, behind which she had disappeared. He wondered whether he should take a look, but decided against it, he wanted to be surprised. 
"Taking someone straight to my house. But you seem like a nice young man. Sit down, I'll be right there for you," she called back from the other room. 
John sat down on the couch and waited, eager to see what would happen. He didn't sit for long before she came into the living room. She had changed her clothes and was now wearing a tight gray top, which was also bare-chested, and black yoga pants.

"There, that's much more comfortable, so ... oh, coffee, how do you drink it?" she said, almost seductively, and smiled at him when she saw the look on his face. John was surprised that she was presenting herself to him like this. He didn't know what he had expected himself, but certainly not that. She enjoyed the puffy look on his face and giggled again. 
"Um... so... yes, milk and sugar please." John couldn't get out more than a stammer. Carla nodded and walked towards the kitchen. 
Damn, she's cute, John thought to himself. He had already made sure that she found him attractive. Now he just had to decide what to do next. He already had a plaything with Marcy and Brianna was someone who cared for him, almost mothered him, so what was he going to do with Carla? He wasn't going to have a girlfriend, and he'd also made sure she was into younger guys, so anything that was just of age. When she came back, she had two cups in her hand and held one out to him. After he gratefully accepted the cup, she sat down next to him on the couch. 
"Do you like the outfit?" she asked him openly when he had just brought the cup to his mouth. John was glad he hadn't already taken a sip. He wondered if she had always been like this, or if it had something to do with his ability. 
"Yes it does, it's not as formal as what you usually wear," he replied and took a sip from the cup without taking his eyes off her. His eyes kept moving up and down, and the way she was looking at him, she had noticed. 
"So, how long are you going to hold off?" she asked him, and he reacted surprised again. 
"What? How," he responded in surprise. 
"The way you look at me all the time ... I'd say you're interested in me too. So what do you say, we have some fun together?" she explained, smiling playfully at him as she stroked her hand through her hair. 
Now John at least knew that she really needed it, she was rather impulsive currently and wanted to be satisfied. She leaned forward until her mouth was next to his ear. It seemed to him as if she wanted to share an important secret with him and whispered. 
"I don't wear underwear." 
It was more of a breath than a whisper, and he got goosebumps when he felt her breath on his ear. Carla leaned back and looked at him mischievously and expectantly. Meanwhile, John smirked at her and put his cup down on the table before putting his hand on hers to pull her close. She didn't even try to resist and slowly slid over to lie on top of him. As soon as she was on top of him, she placed her lips on his and her tongue sought his. As soon as they met, a sensual dance began between them. His hand slid down her back to her bottom. She immediately slid under the waistband. He stretched his arm further and slid his hands between her thighs from behind. His fingers followed the warmth to its source. Her labia were warm and moist, and she breathed in deeply as he slid his finger over them. Neither of them broke the kiss, and Carla stroked his shirt with her hand, pulling it out of his pants to make direct skin contact. 
For John , this time was very different from his first two times. He couldn't even put his finger on it, but he liked it. He just let himself go and surrendered to the situation, just like her. 

What next?