Chapter 2
The real World

John thought about it for a while. Although his world was not good to him, it was the perfect choice. His brother, who was the opposite of him as he was, had a wonderful wife. He could start with that.

"Ah, so you want to go back to your reality. Well, at least to a similar world. Because your world doesn't exist for you like that anymore, after all, you died in it, or you wouldn't be here, but I can send you to a parallel world." Said the god. John looked at him surprised.

"I am a god, of course I can read your mind. But you chose 'Family Man.' I take it you'll be living with your brother's family then?"

"Yes, but I'd also like his wife's mother to be there!" replied John confidently. With all these blessings, he should have a lot of fun, alone just with them.

"Remember, the more people you corrupt, the more powerful I will make you." the god again pointed out John's abilities. "Now, before I send you off, a few things. Your brother, his wife and her mother will live with you, after all you are the rich one. In this world, you are the rich one, not him. Have fun in your new life."

It got even brighter around him, although John thought it was impossible. Shortly after, he found himself in the bathroom. He stood naked in front of a mirror and was startled when he saw himself. He recognized himself, but he was really only flesh and bones. John knew he was ugly, but what he saw in the mirror now topped it.

He put on a towel and went to his room. He knew it was his first day in this house, but it felt like he had always lived here. Not only that, but he could even remember the construction of the building, although he had never experienced it himself. Once in his room, he noticed that he already smelled musty again, one of his curses, or blessings, as you take it. At least he had a blessing that worked over his smell. He grinned and got dressed first. It was just before dinner. And both his brother Charlie's wife and her mother were attractive; in addition, they would both respond much more strongly to his blessings since they lived in his household. So, he had put himself in a perfect position after all. He was even uglier than before, but with all the blessings he now had, he couldn't care less. Theoretically, he could have any woman he wanted, he just had to do it right.

For now, he was curious to see how the new life at his home would turn out. Neither his sister-in-law nor her mother ever liked him. But they tolerated him because of his money. After all, he let them live with him for free. He had never asked anything from the three of them before, but, that would soon change. He left his room and went to the first floor. His sister-in-law and her mother were in the kitchen. They both immediately wrinkled their noses when he walked in, but said nothing. They didn't even greet him when he came in. Furthermore, they ignored him as they often did, but that would soon be over. The two women had brown hair and were about 5'7" tall, athletically slim, with a decent bust. The mother, Verona, despite her age of 54, looked barely older than 40. 

His sister-in-law had just turned 30. 

His brother Charlie was 34. The two had decided not to have children.

"When will dinner be ready?" asked John.

"In about 30 minutes, you can sit in front of the TV for that long" suggested his mother.

"I will, as soon as I make myself a cup of coffee," Jason answered the mother, whose name was Verona. His sister-in-law's name was Nadine

"It's your place, so do what you want?" replied Verona.

John walked past the two and stood by the coffee machine that was behind them, that way they would be in his haze a little longer. It was interesting for him to see how the two reacted to him, it wasn't much different from his previous life. The two of them were breathing as shallowly as they could. John took his time making the coffee. After all, his scent only ensured that his victims' inhibitions were lowered. This effect intensified the longer they perceived his scent, and because they lived in his household, this effect would reinforce itself again.

The two cooked further and looked over again and again, deprecating to him. He found it enough and went back into the living room to sit in front of the TV until dinner was ready. John had just sat down when his brother Charlie came through the front door. He greeted John and immediately disappeared into the kitchen. There was a small discussion between Charlie and Nadine, John guessed that it was again about the fact that they had to live in this house. Charlie started setting the table and John sat down at the head of the table.

Shortly after, everyone was seated at the table and began to eat. John stayed out of the conversations and the three more or less ignored him. Except for a wrinkle of the nose and a disgusted look. Meanwhile, John was thinking about how to get started. He'd always wanted to smack his brother. But Nadine's mother was damn pretty, too. It was a Friday night, a day when people were most likely to go out.

"Hey Nadine, Charlie, when was the last time you guys were actually for yourselves, gone?" he asked out of nowhere when everyone was done.

All three looked at him in surprise.

"Um ... it's been a while. You know we can't afford to just go away like that." replied Charlie.

"Then it's your lucky day, I think you guys should treat yourselves sometime." John continued and took out his wallet. He took out a wad of money and held it in front of them both. "Come on, take this, brother. You'd do the same for me! So go out and have fun together, you two."
The two looked at him, then at each other, then back at John.

"That ... we can ..." stammered Charlie.

Before John could say anything, Nadine interjected.

"Th-thank you John. We'll give you the rest back and bring receipts."

"No, you can keep the rest. Go out and have fun. Verona and I will take care of the rest here then." replied John.

Nadine quickly took the money and gave Charlie a demanding look. Verona looked at all three of them in horror, wondering how she was going to get out of this. But she could retreat to her room, he never usually went in there, she was sure. Charlie and Nadine immediately disappeared to their room and got ready, while Verona went to the kitchen and John started to clear the table slowly. He brought plate after plate into the kitchen to stall for time until they were finally out of the house

Can he buy enough time?
Chapter 3 no he can't

Chapter overview