Chapter 3

He can't

He had just brought the last plates into the kitchen, and the two were still not ready. They were both showering first, one after the other. So, John decided to use another boon he had gotten from his new god. Then it would probably be simple blackmail to get Verona on the take. He had just finished the thought when his cell phone rang. It was an email from gub(at) gub . com, John had to laugh when he read the address, but hey, GUB obviously had a sense of humor. It was a blank email, except for the attachment, but he preferred to look at that privately. So, he went back to his room. As soon as he was alone, he immediately watched the video that was attached. It showed Verona sneaking into a restroom shed. John wondered what that video was supposed to be, then there was a cut. Now he could see Verona squatting, and topless. She had one hand between her legs and her head against the wall, only when John looked closer did he realize that she was sitting in a Gloryhole shed and just sucking a cock. John licked over his lips.
"Who would have imagined that? You always act so prude and untouchable, but you're actually a real slut yourself." John muttered then, wondering if he wouldn't believe it until he said it. He went back down to the kitchen, he hadn't heard Charlie and Nadine leave the house yet. On his way to the kitchen, he saw Verona sitting in front of the TV. He immediately made the turn and stopped by her. He turned off the sound on his phone and showed her a few seconds of the video. She immediately turned white as a sheet and was already about to grab the phone, but John was faster.
"I think we should talk about this here once they're gone," John said with a grin, then headed for the kitchen. As soon as he got his coffee there, he demonstratively went back to his room.
He sat down on his bed and immediately watched the video again. He then heard his brother and Nadine say goodbye and leave the house. Shortly after, he heard Verona's footsteps approaching his door and there was a knock.
"Yes, come in" he invited her.
She slowly came into his room and looked at him, appraising.
"Where did you get that?" she asked him.
"Never mind that now, I got it and I think it's .... quite ... interesting" he grinned.
"What are you going to do with it?" she asked the next question.
"I don't know yet. How much do you think they'll stand up for you if I show them this video."
Verona brightened a bit more when she heard that. After all, she lived here for free, didn't even have to contribute anything for a living.
"What do you want to make this disappear?" she went on the offensive.
"Well, I'm interested in how good you really are. But for a blowjob, I'm not going to make that go away. But a night with you, I'd let you think about it. That I'll lose this video somehow." He suggested to her. Verona looked at him for a long time, with a mixture of thoughtfulness and disgust. She obviously didn't like the idea. She was really thinking about it, and the blessing he had chosen seemed to be starting to bear fruit. Her inhibitions seemed to be really starting to come down.
"One night?" she assured herself.
"One night, or until I can't take it anymore," John replied, well aware that he would also last the entire weekend without interruption, thanks to GUD.
"So it's either the night or when you can't take it anymore. You'll make the video disappear for that, right?" repeated Verona.
"Yes, one night for me to have fun, but on my terms."
She gave him another dismissive look, probably just assuming he wouldn't last long anyway, and took him up on his offer," Ok. Let's get it over with then!"
He would have liked to see her in a more sexy outfit, but he would be able to make up for that at any time", Then close the door and lie down with me." Verona closed the door behind her and slowly walked over to lie down next to him.
"I can, yes," he warned her, pulling her to him. He let his hands slide, deftly, over her wonderful body. John was surprised at himself, he didn't think about it, he just did it. His hands seemed to know exactly what to do to make Verona horny. Again, two of his blessings complemented perfectly each other. One was the fact that he was a master Molester whose sexual touches made every woman horny, combined with his Sweet skills. He did not need long, Verona was already breathing heavily, looking at him lustfully and demanding. He had not even reached her cunt, when he came closer to her cunt, he already felt the heat coming from the cunt. Furthermore, he let his fingers slide between her pussy lips. Immediately a moan escaped her lips, she immediately pulled both hands in front of her mouth was shocked at herself and amazed at John's abilities. She would not have expected him to be so skilled. He didn't even do much, but he seemed to know exactly what to do to make her body react that way. She was on the edge of cumming now, and they hadn't even really gotten started. She thought it was much worse that she even wanted to cum. It felt to her like she hadn't come in years. Every fiber of her body literally craved the orgasm.
"Mhh ... damn ... this is ....," she moaned, but didn't want to finish the sentence.
"And I haven't even started yet." John grinned. He slid down and positioned himself between her legs. He started kissing the inside of her thighs and slowly worked his way up to her cunt, which was already dripping wet. His tongue began to dance up and down between her pussy lips. The tip of his tongue played around her clit again and again.
Verona moaned loudly, and her hands clawed into the bedsheets. Again and again, she pulled her legs tight.
"Mhh ... yesssss ..." she moaned as he continued to lick her cunt, she was about to cum, John knew that, thanks to his boon he knew not only how to satisfy a woman but also when she would cum. He kept going, and she literally exploded in her orgasm. Her whole body began to shake, and she pulled one of her hands to her mouth to muffle her cry of pleasure.
"Have you come already? My turn then?" he asked her, even though he already knew the answer. John stood up and now undressed as well. Verona's eyes widened when she saw his huge cock. She didn't seem to believe what she was seeing. As he leaned over her and pressed his cock against her entrance, he briefly saw the panic in her eyes.
"Don't worry, I'll be gentle, at least this time," he whispered in her ear.
"It is ... is ... It is too big ... it won't ... fit," she moaned, breathing heavily, but John pushed it right into her, making her moan loudly again. John slowly penetrated her as far as he could. Every time he hit her womb, she moaned again. As he did so, he remembered that he could also change the shape of his cock. John enlarged the veins and changed the bend of his cock until she moaned loudly with each thrust. Thanks to the size of his cock, he found her cunt to be nice and tight. Another benefit of his boon.
"It…ahhh, is ..., soooo, fucking .... ahhh, is ..., soooo, fucking .... ahhh ... big ... I ... I ... Ahhaa," she moaned and came one more time, but John now increased his pace and fucked her even faster. Thanks to his blessing, he didn't have to worry about his stamina. Verona lay moaning under him, biting her hand in pleasure and gazing. She was in her orgasmic heaven right now. She seemed to come again with every thrust he made.
"Please ... I ... I ... can't ..." babbled Verona, not knowing herself how many times she had cum. But something was changing inside her, she was getting the desire to submit to him, not particularly strong, but the desire was growing, and it was growing almost by the minute. John just wouldn't let up though and kept going like there was no tomorrow. When she was lying more or less completely dazed under him and moaning, he squirted into her, causing another wave of shivers to flow through her body. John stayed on top of her for a while as he let his cock rest inside her. Verona was completely dazed and trying to catch her breath. As she did so, she wondered how he could have lasted so long. Apart from the size of his cock, he also seemed to be able to release an incredible load of sperm. Indeed, she could feel the warm fluid moving back out past his cock and running down between her legs onto the bedsheet.