I found a plot for a story at the end of 2022 and will publish it here step by step, although I will add pictures here.

The story is ultimately based on a CYOA "UGLY BASTARD".

Chapter 1 
John Doe


A/N: This story is pure fantasy. And must not happen like this under any circumstances.


John Doe wakes up in a white-lit, empty room. The last thing he remembers is that he had an accident with his car. Standing in front of him was a truly bizarre creature.
"Hello John, just stay calm and listen to me," the figure said. John was just too shocked to say anything. But he couldn't tell what shocked him more, the fact that he was in a glaringly bright room with no idea how he had gotten there or the disgusting creature in front of him. But who was he to judge. The way his life was going, he himself belonged to the category of disgusting, ugly people. However, the figure before him surpassed him many times over.
Be glad, youngster, you are a chosen one. Yes, you have been chosen by me, the GUB (God of Ugly bastards). I am not like other Gods demanding my followers to do stupid and meaningless things like pray or such nonsense, your worship of me is much simpler as all I demand is that you be what you were always meant to be:  
You have 6 points to give out. If you add some curses to that, you can get more points to use for your boons. After that, I'll send you to a world of your choice.
Suddenly, some kind of presentation appeared in the middle of the room in front of John's eyes. He looked at the presentation and shook his head, laughing.
"What's so funny?" the figure asked.
"Perfect, when do we start?`I've always been disgusting, but that seems to have its advantages," John replied.
"Congratulations, you now have 6 points, and you get 3 points for each curse instead of 2." the god congratulated him.
John looked at the curses, "I definitely choose the curse bastard, can I choose another curse later if I consider it necessary?"
The god nodded with satisfaction, "Yes you can, that gives you 9 points."
"Good" Then he looked at the victims. One group he could choose for free. "Oh definitely MILF, always had a crush on them."
"Alright, you still have 9 points" it came from his new god. 
Now he looked at the possible blessings his god offered him. 24 altogether. He took his time and read through it all.
"Awesome" grinned John.
"Well I'll take the first row right away size, _Spunk _and Stamina. Giant cock with massive cum and endless stamina. Now those are some very awesome blessings." made John his first choice.
"That leaves you with 6 points. What else?"
"Oh Sweet Skills, finally I know which buttons to push" laughed John", oh, oh .... Musk I'll take, then in addition to that I'd take Disgusting, the two complements each other yes"    
"That brings us to 4 plus 3 new ones, so 7 points, good choice by the way."
"What else?" asked John to himself, "oh I know All-Natural Roofie, Blackmail and Master Molester. It certainly has, benefit of rendering people unconscious. Blackmail should also help get someone and get someone so horny just by molesting that they absolutely have to be satisfied."
The god grinned broadly," I guess I made the right choice, that gives you 4 more points."
"Then I'll take A Slave Obey's and Snitches get Stiches in addition to Rich and Family man".
"Congratulations, that means you've distributed all the points ..."
" Wait a minute, I'll pick 'Skinny' so I can add 'Ruiners'."
"Looks good, you've picked everything with that. So, which world do you want to go to?

Where did he want to start