Mind and Body Control Ring 

Part 16

next day

The next day, he went to school as usual, but he sent Marcy a list of things to get. All these things were for his pleasure, of course, rather than hers. He saw that she had seen the list, but he didn't get a reply. There was a smirk on his face as he imagined her cursing in her house and raging at him. He could picture it, and he had only just begun.  
Since he was sure Lars would continue to pick on him, he would have more and more bargaining chips against Marcy, whom he had taken a liking to. She was definitely more experienced than Brianna and looked damn good too. Sure, she was older than Brianna, but he could use her to teach Brianna or anyone else he would pick up.  
The school day went on as usual, except that Lars was really holding back. He just gave Lars a silly squeeze and then left him alone for the most part. The black eye was clearly visible, but he seemed more contrite than usual. There was already another thought forming in his head, but John would act on it later.
At lunchtime, Brianna ran into him. She looked a little annoyed, and he could see her scratching herself. Nevertheless, she smiled at him as she passed him and even gave him a barely visible nod. 
Class was over by now, and he wanted to get some information. He would get most of the information, if not all of it, from Mrs. Osbourne, and in the process he could also feel her out and make her life a little worse. He went into the outer office and there stood the young secretary he had barely noticed last time, this time he took a closer look at her. She was young and this was probably her first job, after all, it was a well-paid job. She had medium-length blonde hair and wore glasses. Her clothes were fitted and consisted of cloth trousers and a light-colored blouse.  
She looked up at him as he entered the room.
"Oh hello, Mr. Wilson, right?" she greeted him
"Yes, right, and you are?" 
 "Oh, my name is Carla Carlson, the new secretary, I just started," she replied with a smile and John had to admit she was cute. By his estimation, she was 25, and he was pretty sure he was right about that.  
"Do you have to see the principal again?" she asked him.
"Um, yes, but you don't have to sign me in, that's fine." 
The secretary looked at him in surprise for a moment and then nodded.
"If you say so, that's probably true," she added with a smile.
He wanted to have a little fun with Mrs. Carlson and made her horny and sex-hungry. Of course, he made sure that he was exactly her type. He also convinced her that she had only applied to the school because of the young men. She had a soft spot for young, inexperienced men. No sooner had he finished his thoughts than she looked at him differently. She had moved her hand to her glasses and unobtrusively undid the top button of her blouse. She had also leaned forward a little and was now looking at him devouring, running her hand through her blonde hair.
He smiled again and even winked at her, which brought a little blush to her cheeks. John was torn at the moment. He would have liked to get to know her a little better and talk to her, but he was here for something else. On the other hand, he could probably do both. The only question was, did he even want to?

Chapter 17 // Chapter 18