Character Request Information

Hi! Welcome to our SubscribeStar page!
In this post, you can read about how you can request characters.
There are two Tiers you can requests characters in: Ecchi and Hentai.
In the Ecchi Tier, you will get around 15 SFW and 15 NSFW images. You can also ask for specific outfits, poses and environments.
In the Hentai Tier, you will get around 20+ SFW and 20+ NSFW images. Just like in the Ecchi Tier, you can ask for outfits, poses and environments. Plus, you can also request intercourse positions too.

If something is unclear, just ask us in a private message. Comments are harder to find.
  • If you are a $5 supporter you can also request Hentai requests every other month.
  • You can request based on total donation. Tips and Subscriptions are both good.
  • You can also tip to request.
  • These requests have no connection to Waifu Royale.
  • You can request them any time in private messages.
  • All the characters we do are of legal age.