Mind and Body Control Ring 

Part 15 

At the Johnson's

John had enjoyed himself with her for quite a while, testing out the ring a little more. After he had also changed her body, or rather, her body sensation, he put her through a few hours in various positions. He then sent her home in the middle of the night, all sweaty and covered in his cum. He felt that he himself had also become damn tired, even if he could at least still have managed sexually. Furthermore, he had also changed rooms and gone with her to his bedroom, which now looked like a battlefield, and the smell of sex could still be detected in the hallway. He had walked Marcy to the door and smiled at the fact that she could hardly walk. She was completely exhausted, but she insisted on going by car, she didn't want to take a cab. John could understand that the cab driver would certainly have many questions. 
What she didn't know yet was that she couldn't masturbate. Well, she could masturbate, but her cunt went numb as soon as she got wet. Otherwise, he had made sure that her orgasms were barely perceptible when he wasn't there. But they were all the bigger when he was there, and they were bigger when he was fucking her. But those were the changes that only affected her. Physically, he had apparently not changed her at all, but she now had several erogenous zones; what he had done with her tongue, he had now also done with her nipples, breasts and legs. However, all this only applied when he touched her. He had also anchored a few changes in her for Lars. 
Marcy was now clumsier and more inattentive in the presence of Lars.  Lars would have a very unpleasant time at home, as his mother would now unknowingly hurt him. He was aware that he still had to work on Lars and his father, Joe, and that was the reason why he had gotten into the car with Marcy, which she didn't even realize. She was silent for the entire drive, and when she arrived 15 minutes later, they both got out. John followed her into the house. Joe was still awake and came to the door immediately, his eyes widening when he saw Marcy. It took him a moment to realize that John was also in the house, but before he could say anything, John made sure that he couldn't see him either. 
"John?" he asked uncertainly, then looked back at his wife. He looked at her in astonishment, he had never seen her like this before. He seemed to be wondering what she had been through, apart from the obvious fact that she had had sex with John. What else he was thinking, John could only guess, but it hardly seemed to bother him, he even had an unimpressive smile on his face. 
"He's at his place!" she snorted and walked past him. 
"I'm going to take a shower first," she added, disgusted, as she walked past him. 
"Uh... yeah, I can understand that," Joe replied, seeming somehow absent-minded as he looked after her. John had already achieved one goal, he could now make a few changes to Joe at his leisure. 
He concentrated on Joe and looked at him thoughtfully. The first change he made was to Lars. Joe should also become more careless around Lars and unconsciously make sure that Lars hurts himself in some way. Not too much, of course, he should be able to go on to school. Just like Marcy, Joe gazed into space, his eyes glazed over as John's perception of Joe changed. John also increased the urge, already enormous anyway, to protect Lars, but only outwardly. 
Neither of them would notice that their behavior was hurting Lars as well. He also lowered Joe's inhibitions about punishing Lars and linked it to the idea that it was only for Lars' own good. Now he just had to find Lars to adjust a few little things. 
"Go to Lars' room, stand in front of it for a moment, and then do what you wanted to do," John ordered his counterpart. Joe turned around after a moment, went up the stairs, and stopped at the third door. John followed him and waited until Joe unwittingly left the field for him. First, John listened to see if he could hear anything and carefully opened the door to enter as quietly as possible. It was quite dark in the room, the blinds were down, and, as he had closed the door behind him, there was hardly any light coming into the room from the hallway. John tried to get used to the darkness, but he just couldn't do it. He took a deep breath and then slowly felt his way through the room until he reached the bed. 
"Lars, you stay quiet and sleep until your alarm clock or your family wakes you. You will continue to behave as you always have toward me, even though you know what I am capable of. You will continue to be loving towards your parents, and you will accept any punishment they give you, no matter how absurd it may seem at first. It will be completely normal for you to be punished in this way. Of course, you won't talk about it with anyone." 
He let these words sink in and grinned broadly. There was one more thing he really wanted to do. Without knowing the actual size, he said the following, "Your cock is four centimeters long and six centimeters when it's erect. Also, if you see someone you find attractive, you'll get an instant boner." 
John walked out of the room and looked for the parents' room. The sound of running water could not be ignored. When John reached the door to the master bedroom, he looked in and saw Joe already in bed. 
"Joe, you're going to get me a spare key to the house and give it to your wife so she can give it to me," John said aloud, smirking at the now searching look on Joe's face, before heading back downstairs to make his way home. 
Where to next?
16 next day