Mind and Body Control Ring 

Part 14

Her sensitivity

John concentrated his thoughts, as best he could, on Marcy and her sensitivity, more specifically on how she felt when he touched her and how her body reacted. His attention was increasingly focused on her body and how he would interpret the stimuli. He didn't yet know if it was possible, but if he could change a person's body, it might be possible. 
First, he focused his thoughts on her tongue. He wanted her tongue to send similar signals to her brain as her clitoris did. But he linked it to his presence for now, he could certainly change it later if he wanted to. He had just finished his thought when he lifted his head to look down at her again. Her expression had changed, and not only that. Her tongue was now sliding more intensely around the tip of his cock. She had increased the pressure and began to moan into his cock. It seemed to John as if it had actually worked, and he grinned. 
"That ... that's good," he stammered in an excited voice as he stroked her hair. Marcy's eyes were fixed on him, and she nodded slightly. She now seemed more willing and, above all, more lustful; he could see that she was a little surprised but didn't question it. Lust was probably taking over her thoughts more and more. It was only, on a second thought, that it occurred to him that she might wonder why he was holding out so long. John knew that he would have come a few days or even a few hours ago, just like he had with Brianna in detention. After all, she had no way of knowing that he had given himself an upgrade. It was a very useful update for him, he was curious to see how she would react. The movement of her tongue became faster and faster, just like her breathing, while her moans became more and more lustful. She closed her eyes, and he saw again the expression he had seen on Brianna's face. Marcy's features slipped, the corners of her mouth began to tremble, and she pressed her hands against his thighs, almost clawing at his thighs. Then it happened, she paused for a moment, at least her head stopped moving. Her tongue, on the other hand, now moved quickly in a circular motion and suddenly stopped moving. Instead, she pushed his cock deeper into her mouth, which was probably not entirely voluntary. He felt her hands squeeze harder, and her whole body began to tremble. As his cock was just so beautifully deep in her wonderful mouth, John decided to act on his urge just to see her reaction. 
No sooner had he allowed himself to come than his cock began to spew its juice into her mouth. John groaned loudly as he did so, finally releasing all the pressure that had been building up. He tilted his head back on his neck, missing her surprised look, but he felt her pull her head back. But it was too late, and the second load landed in her mouth, while the third load hit her face. By now, he had managed to tilt his head forward again and was able to look at his work of art. 
Marcy was kneeling in front of him, breathing heavily, her face covered in his cum, some of which was still leaking out of her mouth. She must have swallowed the first load, and the second was still in her mouth. She had probably not yet decided whether to swallow or spit. John, for his part, had already recovered, thanks to his self-optimization. After a few breaths, Marcy started to spit his cum on the floor and then looked up at him in surprise. She had already opened her mouth to say something, but she immediately stopped when she saw his questioning look. 
"What was that?" he anticipated her question. 
"I ... I have no idea ... I've never ... experienced that. But ... but ..." she stammered, and John came around the corner with the next question. 
"Did you just have an orgasm. Did you satisfy yourself?" he asked, acting unknowingly. 
"What? No ... so yes, I came ... but I didn't ... I didn't masturbate ... I don't know how that ... that could have happened," she replied, visibly irritated by the whole situation. She slowly raised her hand to her face to free herself from the sperm. John waited until she had most of his cum in her hand and looked around to wipe her hand. 
"You're actually here to clean up. So lick it clean, and you can lick up what's on the floor too. Unless you've already forgotten our agreement!" he said, pointing first to her hand and then to the puddle she had just spat out. Her gaze changed, it became harder, and she looked at him uncomprehendingly. 
"You want to ... what? Are you serious?" 
"Yes, I am serious. Or should I end our agreement here and now, I think it shouldn't hurt Lars to have to leave the school ..." 
"NO, I WILL DO IT !" Marcy interrupted him, lifting her hand up and licking the cum off before leaning over and licking the floor clean. 
"Satisfied?" she asked grimly, "can I go now?" 
John shook his head with a grin and said, "I'm not finished yet, you can leave when I can't take anymore ..." 
"You ... you're just ... so ..." she stammered as John got up from the couch, his cock standing away from him like a one. She could hardly believe that he was already hard again. 
"Did you take Viagra or something?" she asked him, and he shook his head again. 

"No, I haven't, now take all your clothes off!" he demanded of her. Marcy followed his request, and John pushed her onto the couch. 
Where do we go from here?

Chapter 15 At the Johnson's