Mind and Body Control Ring 

Part 13

He takes up the offer

"I'm repeating myself. It's a nice picture, but it's not worth it. So I'm supposed to forgive you and Lars everything so that you can come here three times a week and do the housework for me? Which isn't even much, by the way, since I live alone in this place. Sure, it's pleasing for the eyes when you do it naked. But again, the offer is a laugh," replied John, who had just regained his temper and was now deliberately provoking her. They remained silent for a while, and she looked thoughtful at the door, where her husband and son were sitting, but she couldn't see them. She turned her head back to John and was about to say something when he raised his hand. Marcy remained silent as she saw his hand gesture and waited to find out what he would say.  
"So you'd be cleaning in this 'uniform' three times a week. Let's say I go for it, how long would you do it, per day and for how long?" he asked her.
"Well, I'd stay here for two or three hours and clean, do your laundry, the chores, whatever comes up, and I'd do it all naked or dressed the way you like it. I'd also get a maid's outfit if that's what you want," she replied with a smile, looking determined. As Marcy said this, John looked back over at the other two, Joe looking like he was celebrating, while Lars, meanwhile, just looked at the floor.   
"Mhh ... well, that sounds interesting, as I said, but I would have a few conditions. Firstly, I would like to know how long you would do this for me? You didn't answer that question," he pursued.  
"Oh well ... as far as that goes ... I'd have to discuss it with Joe, but I guarantee it won't just be a few weeks, what are the other conditions?" 
"So let's just agree that as long as you do that, I won't file a complaint, or I won't be interested in you anymore. I think that's fair. You'll wear what I tell you to wear when you're here. I'll give you a list of what kind of outfit you should get. No matter what it is. And you'll come straight away when I feel like it. Whether it's once a week or seven times a week and I don't care what time it is. It should be worth it. AND I want to be allowed to touch you," he made his conditions clear. She looked at him thoughtfully for a long time, but didn't seem particularly surprised.  
"Just touching, no sex," she replied vehemently.
"No sex, agreed, as long as I can touch you anywhere I want," John confirmed, adding mentally, "at least until you ask me to." 
After she had agreed with a nod, she stood up and remained standing in front of him. She held out her hand to him to seal the contract with a handshake.
"Deal!" she said as soon as he had stood up and struck her with his hand.
"Deal," he confirmed, then leaned forward and whispered.
"As soon as the door opens and closes once, you'll think your family just came in. Forget I said that." 
He backed away again and told her to get dressed once more, but to shove her underwear under the couch because she'd be starting today, and he'd send her family away by then. Enthusiasm looked different, but she complied and gathered her clothes. John walked over to the two men.   
"You two stand up now and wait for me to call you in. Then Joe will open the door and close it again. Only then will you come to the couch. Joe, you won't remember this happening until I tell you to remember our first meeting. The two of you waited in the hallway continuously and did nothing. Forget I said that. Lars, you can remember it, but it won't do you any good, neither of them will believe you. That's why you'll never mention it once you've left the house and there are people around who weren't here. You'll continue to make my life hell as usual, but you won't seriously hurt me! It's best if you attack me as soon as you get back to the couch. Forget what I said," John set his perfidious plan in motion, which had just replaced his original plan. 
He had actually planned for her to get hornier and hornier the more he touched her and the longer she was with him. But what had just occurred to him on the way was much more to his personal liking.
The anger in Lars' eyes was already burning, and John grinned broadly. It would give him more leverage to use against Marcy and Joe. He went back to the couch. Marcy had put her clothes back on by now and was already sitting on the couch again. Before he sat down at the other end of the couch, he went to Marcy and whispered a few words in her ear. As soon as he was seated, he called them both in. Joe, of course, did as John had instructed and first moved the door and then approached them with his son. John was already preparing for Lars' attack, the good thing was that this time he knew it was coming. However, he had no idea what kind of attack was coming. A few steps from the couch, Lars overtook his father and went straight for John. 
"YOU DIRTY PIG! YOU'RE GOING TO REPENT!" Lars shouted at him and was already ready to strike. John immediately raised his arms to protect his face and head, but no hit followed. Surprised, John lowered his guard again and saw Joe holding his son in a headlock.
"Are you SERIOUS? We're here to bring calm to the situation, and you've got nothing better to do ..." Joe shouted at his son.  
"You were here ... you saw how he ... how he ... badly ..." Lars defended himself, breaking off his sentence as his father tightened his stranglehold. 
"I think our deal is off, you should go, I'll..." John began, trying to look as scared as possible. 
"No, wait..." Marcy interrupted him and looked angrily at Lars. "You two should go!" 
She turned her gaze to Joe, who nodded. There was no arguing with her tone, even John could sense that.
"We'll walk, maybe that mastermind can calm down a bit. I'll have a serious talk with him," he said as he reached into his pocket. As soon as he had fished out the key, he threw it to Marcy and walked out of the room with Lars. That was pretty damn quick, and John was really surprised and looked questioningly at Marcy, who was still looking after the men until she heard the front door. Then she looked at John once more. She slid off the couch and knelt down. Once she was on both knees, she leaned forward.  
"I apologize for my son ... again ... I ... I'd like to extend our deal," she said almost submissively. 
John liked that, he actually liked it a lot. Eager to see what offer she would make him, he waited. He hoped it was what he had in mind. He had only whispered to her that she would continue to protect her son, regardless of whether he had misbehaved. She would continue to try to protect her son, no matter the cost. Looking down at her, he grinned inwardly.
"Then I'm curious to see what you have to offer me!" he said in a somber voice. Marcy lifted her head and looked up at him. 
"How about you decide how we punish Lars?" she replied somewhat hesitantly, looking up at him almost submissively. It was obvious that it wasn't her style and she wasn't exactly comfortable with it, but he really didn't care at that moment. The offer she had just made him was already a good start, and that was something he hadn't thought of yet. And with the ring's ability, he could take full advantage of that and make sure something like that didn't get out. 
"I don't know... sure it's interesting and a way to make amends, but..." he replied, leaning down towards her, "... If you put something on top of that, I might go for it. You know it's incredibly important that I get on board!"
She looked directly into his eyes, and now that he had indirectly expressed what he wanted, even if it was only vaguely, he suspected that she was thinking about it, and he also hoped inwardly that the ring had just pressed the last part into her brain and made her more accessible. That was a point he didn't quite understand, the ring probably knew if you could put it that way, what it should and shouldn't do. How, only the gods knew. Finishing the thought, he laughed very briefly and straightened up again.   
"If not, then you should also ..." he was already about to throw her out. 
"And if you ... well, if I take back the sex thing?" she asked hesitantly, "if I offered you to have sex too?" John grinned ear to ear.
"So I get to decide how you punish your son, and I can have sex with you whenever I want. Oh, and before I forget, you take care of the household here? All of this without any backtalk?" John summarized her offer. 
"So ... yes, that's my offer."
"What happens if Lars attacks me again or doesn't stop bulling me?" he was keen to know 
"That's not going to happen! We're going to give him a good talking to!" she replied with a serious face.
"I have my doubts about that, but we'll see." John was finding it harder and harder to think. His lust was slowly gaining the upper hand.
"So back to making amends. Let's see what you can do, I hope you're as good as you look," he finally gave in to his lust. It was time to test the changes he had made to himself. Marcy took a deep breath and looked a little offended. She'd probably never heard anything like it before, John suspected.
Marcy stood up and walked towards him. She took her shirt off again and showed him her breasts once more. 
"So should we start with a blowjob?" she asked, purring seductively and slowly getting down on her knees in front of him. Two blowjobs in one day, he never thought something like that would ever happen, but it would be fine with him, and he would have it a lot more often. That was certain for him. 
"Yeah, that sounds good," he replied and leaned back. Glad that he was only wearing sweatpants, he lifted his hips so that she could pull down his pants and shorts. She knelt in front of him with her legs slightly apart and had placed her hands between them. She looked up at him with wide eyes.
She lifted her hands, placed them on his knee and leaned forward. His cock was already hard, and her wide eyes were focused on his best piece. He would have loved to read her thoughts. But he could imagine what she was thinking, and even if she wasn't, he enjoyed the idea that she was thinking that way. 
Since his cock was already hard, she took it into her mouth straight away. He had to admit, she wasn't as gentle and pampering as Brianna. At least that's what he thought at first, until her tongue started dancing a tango with his cock. His cock was sending him signals of satisfaction, pleasure and enjoyment. He hadn't thought such a thing was possible, and he was glad that he could consciously decide when he came. Otherwise, he would have come almost immediately.   
Her upper body began to tilt back and forth, and she slid her lips along his shaft. Pressing his lips together, he leaned back and let out a long moan. He let her continue, and he concentrated his thoughts as best he could on her...  
What was he changing?

Chapter 14 Her Sensitivity