Mind and Body Control Ring 

Part 12

He agrees (more or less)

 He looked at the three of them in turn and had a slightly different idea. His grin got dirtier, and he stood up and walked towards the three of them. Once he was behind the three of them, he placed his hands on Lars and Joe's shoulders and slowly pushed their heads towards each other. Once he had done this, he leaned forward and began to whisper.
"You two are going to sit down next to the door and stay there. Neither of you will do anything to stop Marcy from whatever comes. Joe, no matter what happens, you'll like it. You two move as soon as I'm back on the couch."
John straightened up again and then approached Marcy to whisper something in her ear as well.
"Once I'm on the couch, you'll be free to move around. As soon as Joe and Lars get up to go to the door, you won't be aware of them until I tell you. You'll think they're waiting in the hallway. You'll try anything to get me not to file a complaint" 
When he finished, he walked over to the couch and sat down. All three of them started to get up. Lars immediately went to the door, while Marcy and Joe looked at each other for a long moment. Joe answered the look with a nod and followed his son to the door. They both sat down and looked back at John. Marcy approached John and sat down on the couch a little way away. She had placed her hands beside her on the couch, as if supporting herself.
"I think we can both talk a bit more freely now. Without either of us being embarrassed," she began, and she giggled briefly. 
He acted ignorant and looked at her questioningly. This was going to be interesting, especially when he thought about the changes he had made to himself. None of the three of them knew what she had gotten herself into. However, they would find out soon enough. 
"What do you mean?" he asked with an expression of innocence, looking at her questioningly. He was eager to see what she would suggest.
"Well, it's just us now. When Lars was born, Joe and I swore that we would give him the best possible life and remove any obstacles that stood in his way. So far, this has worked perfectly, thanks to the contacts Joe and I had. Of course, the money and the influence that comes with it have also played its part, but you don't seem to be interested in any of that, so I guess we'll have to find another way. I think I have something that might interest you," Marcy explained, smiling gently at him. 
John continued to look at her questioningly. He could guess what she meant, after all, she had noticed his eyes on her. It wasn't as if he had been hiding them, either. He had already made his decision to keep quiet to see what she was up to now, and he was now waiting for her next move. 
"Don't pretend now. There's no mistaking that you're interested in ME," she said, becoming a little more offensive now and tilting her head a little after he didn't respond any further, which he still didn't. 
"You said you live here alone most of the time, so you must be a bit lonely. I, well, I could come over, tidy up and clean for you here," she said, going back to her first suggestion. 
"I don't need anyone to clean for me." John interrupted her immediately, glaring angrily at her. John knew she wasn't stupid, but she liked to pretend she was, at least that's how it seemed to him. 
"Now let me finish, young man," she said gently, standing up to present herself to John. A glance at the two men made John smile again. Lars, who looked at his mother, was completely stunned at what she was prepared to do to protect him. How kind she was to John to achieve what she wanted. Obviously, Lars had a hunch where this was going. Joe watched intently and smiled meaningfully. He seemed to like it, which was, of course, partly because John had talked him into it. Now he turned his attention back to Marcy.
He had to admit that Marcy was very tempting and obviously put a lot of work into her body. 
"So I know you can hire anyone you want. But wouldn't it be nicer for you if I cleaned and tidied up here for you? I could do it that way, for example," she said, confident and sure of herself. She knew what effect she had on men, and she was certainly aware that this effect was particularly strong on young men who were still struggling with their hormone balance. As she spoke, she put her hands on the hem of her shirt and pulled it over her head in one movement. Now she stood in her high heels, ripped jeans and a bra in front of the three men, of whom she only noticed John.
The eyes of all three of them widened at once and were fixed on her. John had the best view, as he was looking straight at her. His gaze traveled from her face down to her breasts, which were encased in a black bra, along her converging waistline to the waistband of her pants, then back up again.
"That would be to your liking, wouldn't it?" she asked, winking at him. Admittedly, she was right, he did like what she was about to do. But he pulled himself together, he wanted more, and he wanted her to offer it to him.
"Aha, a half-naked cleaning lady, ok, that's unusual of course, but I think if I paid enough I'd get it if I wanted it," he replied calmly, at least John hoped he sounded that way. Her smirk rather indicated that he hadn't quite made it.
"I can see that you like what you see, that's a kind of compensation, isn't it?" 
"I see it more as another kind of torture for me. I can see you half naked, you'd probably take your pants off too, wouldn't you?" John went a step further. She cocked her head to one side, still smirking. She bent down and took off her heels. Once she was free of them, she unzipped her pants and pulled off her jeans. Straightening up again, she looked at him for a moment. 
"But I think you like it better this way!" she grinned, bent down again to put on her shoes, and then strike the same pose.
"I think I know that men like women in high heels," she said teasingly.
"What do you mean, wouldn't it be worth it if I said I'd come round three times a week to do the housework for you? You'd just have to refrain from filing the complaint," she added a little more seriously. John was already aware that she was trying to distract him, and she almost succeeded with this outfit. He had been feeling something stirring in his pants for some time, and his cock was filling up more and more with blood. To pull himself together, he gritted his teeth, closed his eyes and took a deep breath.
"I have to admit, it's really tempting, but, like I said, I think you're torturing me more with that, so I'm going to decline, as tempting as the offer is," John replied, barely able to hide his arousal. Marcy huffed once, she probably hadn't expected John to be able to keep his composure for so long. She sat back down on the couch and seemed to be thinking.
After several deep breaths, she reached behind her and took off her bra. Only to free herself from her panties shortly afterward.

Chapter 13 He takes up the offer