Mind and Body Control Ring 

Part 10

Lars and his parents 

John could hardly believe his eyes when he saw the three people in front of his house. It was Lars and his parents. At least that's what John assumed. The resemblance was obvious.
The man stood at least a head taller than John . He was strongly built. Lars was almost a copy of him, and he was definitely the father. Next to the man stood a smaller brunette woman with slim, long legs and a proper rack. John laughed inwardly, it was a perfect moment. John knew why they were there, after all, for one thing, Lars' bruised, swollen eye was impossible to miss, and for another, John was the one responsible for it.
You're John , right? The woman inquired with angry and vigor, "Is your father present?" The man stayed quiet and didn't say anything at first. That was a bit surprising for John , he would have expected Lars' father to speak up. He looked at each person individually.
"No, he's not here, but you three come in now without saying anything back, I think we still have a lot to talk about," John replied confidently. Thanks to the ring, he could feel safe, and he already had the right idea. The mother would play a specific role. After he had taken a step to the side, they entered his house, obviously confused.
"Go into the living room and sit on the floor," he said, pointing down the hall with his arm. The Johnson family walked past him, with the father going first, followed by his son, and the mother following them both. John quite liked that, too, as he could now look at the woman from behind. Fortunately, she was wearing tight jeans that showed off her ass and legs. John grinned and was glad of the opportunity he now had.
For one thing, he now had a woman in the house, and for another, he could get one over on Lars. Lars had always been on his back over the last few years, bullying him and putting him down. John had tried to report him at first, but soon realized that it didn't help. Somehow, Lars always got away with it. But since this morning, the world has looked different. He could do what he wanted, at least to a certain extent, with enough privacy.
The three of them sat down on the floor as soon as they entered the living room. John walked past the three and sat down on the couch.
"Why did we come in and sit on the floor now?" the woman asked, looking at her husband.
"I don't know!" the man replied, looking up at John . "Are you responsible for this?"
"Yes, you do as I say, so stay seated and don't move until I give you permission. You will also not shout or draw attention to yourselves in any other way. You will answer every question I ask you honestly. But now I want to know what you wanted." John interrupted him directly, and the man fell silent for a moment and exchanged glances with his wife. Lars was sitting slightly behind them, looking uncertain at the floor. John didn't know him like this, but obviously Lars didn't feel comfortable in the situation either. Lars would probably have preferred to solve the problem himself, which would have been possible under normal circumstances. But not since that morning. John grinned at the thought.
"We wanted to know why you hit our son! He didn't do anything to you!" the woman said indignantly.
His smile faded as he nodded. So they were told that Lars hadn't done anything. This statement could only have come from Lars, after all, no one else could remember it, and John had made sure of that. However, he wondered if there was a time limit to his ability. That was something he had not yet considered. He hadn't gotten the information from his ring either, and he wondered if he could believe all the information he had gotten from the ring to be true or if the ring was also withholding information from him. If the ability was only temporary, it would certainly cause some problems for John . He was annoyed with himself for not having considered this, but immediately calmed down again. Because he would find out over time. At the moment, he had other goals.
He looked back and forth between the three of them before his gaze remained fixed on the woman.
"He didn't do anything? Did he tell you that? He sat unsuspectingly in his seat, and I hit him out of nowhere. And you believe him?" John threw it at her indignantly. His voice was literally shaking with anger. He wasn't sure whether it was because Lars had said so or because his parents believed it. He simply couldn't understand, either. But his parents' reaction brought him back to reality. They both nodded in confirmation, but the woman's nod was much more emphatic.
"That's what he said, and we believe him!" said the woman, while the man nodded once more.
"You believe that too, or are you just agreeing with your wife?" John wanted to know, looking over at the man.
"So I ..." John could see that he wanted to answer, but changed his mind when he realized that he should answer honestly, "I agree with Marcy." He tried to save himself without telling the untruth.
Then John realized that Lars was Mom's favorite. Which made sense, of course, as he was their only son. Marcy looked at her husband in surprise for a moment, but couldn't get a word out. This drew a short laugh from John , who then looked at Lars.
"You told them both that you didn't do anything?" he asked.
"No ... well, I told my mom ..." Lars explained and could only shake his head.
"You wanted to persuade my dad with that? That probably wouldn't have worked ..."
"Well, we would have threatened him with a lawyer and school expulsion!" said Marcy, scowling at him until she realized what she had just said. It was obvious that she would have liked to take the words back immediately. John rolled his eyes when he heard that. So that's what a family was like, but he wanted to hear it from their mouths.
"So is it the case with you that Marcy is always right?" The three of them nodded, which made John laugh. As soon as he stopped, he asked, "That's alright with you guys?" Marcy nodded, but Lars nodded a little more hesitantly, and his father shrugged his shoulders. Marcy hadn't even noticed, but she scowled at John again.
There were now several ways for John to proceed.
He could punish Lars by making sure his parents believed John from now on, and as a little bonus for John , Marcy could apologize to him for her son.
Alternatively, he could punish Marcy and Lars by forcing them to do what he wanted and change the father to the point where he would support it.
As a third option, he could also punish the entire family and make them act against their will.
Ultimately, he could do a combination of all three if he wanted to, he could make them forget everything after all and then blackmail the family accordingly if he wanted to. However, this was only possible if his ability was not limited by time.

Chapter 11 The first Option

Chapter 11B Third Option

Chapter overview