Mind and Body Control Ring 

Part B11

third option

After taking some time to make up his mind, he decided to punish the whole family. In his eyes, all three of them were somehow responsible for Lars' behavior. Lars, because he had chosen to be such an ass. The parents because they had raised their son that way. So it was probably fair for him to punish all three of them. His focus was on the mother, of course, as she would be the one he would have the most fun with. Punishing the men would be easy. John didn't think either of them would enjoy watching John handle her and she, or at least her body, would more than enjoy it. He began to grin mischievously, looking at the three of them in turn.
"Well, since you've been kind enough to come to me, I'll start by thanking you," he said, still grinning. The three looked at him questioningly and confused. Surely, they didn't know what he meant by that.
"Let me explain something to you. I found something this morning that drastically changed my life, and you three are allowing me to test it further in a safe environment. I don't know if I'll let you forget about it in the end anyway, I'm still deciding that, but it's interesting to see your reaction. So introduce yourself to me first," John continued, pointing to the man at the end.
"Joe," said the man.
"Well, now that we know each other, you can tell me a bit more. So, Joe, what's Marcy like in bed? You will answer me honestly, and you will do it in a calm tone," John went a step further, or maybe it was several steps, time would tell.
"HOW CAN YOU ASK THAT?" Marcy blurted out. Her voice was literally shaking with anger.
"Well, I can't complain. We're still having sex, and it's good sex," Joe replied as soon as Marcy had fallen silent, and she looked at him furiously. Joe looked very surprised himself that he had said that. It seemed as if he was wondering why he had done it, and Marcy immediately asked him too.
"I ... I don't know," Joe replied, "I couldn't help it."
"Yes, each of you do what I tell you. Besides, I can change memories and make them disappear altogether. But the best thing is that I can also control and change the body," John said with a laugh. He looked at Lars and Joe.
"Your cocks are now only half the size. And you two are going to sit there no matter what," he said slowly, looking at them both sharply. His gaze then swung to Marcy.
"I have to say, I don't really need to change anything about you, everything is in the right places on you, but how would you feel about me controlling your orgasms from now on or how well you respond to touch? I could..." he threatened her and made the changes directly in his mind. She would never have an orgasm again without his permission. Otherwise, he had made sure that she would come on command. He had already chosen a trigger for this, but he limited it to himself for now. He enjoyed her irritated, angry look and then finished his sentence.
"... make you come every time I say slut. That would be fun, wouldn't it?"

"That's not possible!" she laughed at him and looked at him challengingly.

"Then get up!" he demanded, and shortly afterward she was standing. Her face was still full of annoyance, but she seemed to be wondering why she had stood up in the first place.

"What? Why..." she began, her voice no longer as confident as it had been a few moments ago, but John interrupted her immediately and said just one word.


Marcy immediately groaned and literally fell to her knees, placing her hands on her ankles behind her back. She used them to push out her large breasts. Her mouth was wide open, and he could see her trembling slightly.

John looked at her with a grin, while Lars and Joe looked at her in surprise.

"What ... how ... did you ... do that?" John heard her say in a shaky voice between her breaths.

"I explained that to you. YOU come when I say that one word. That's what happened. Besides, otherwise you won't be able to come at all unless I let you. I can also make sure that you're permanently horny and always want to satisfy yourself. Well, what do you say to that? Oh! You know what? I'll just do it," he answered her question with amusement and made the change. Her eyes widened, obviously sensing immediately what was happening.

"You seem to like that. How does it feel to want to have sex so badly?" John asked sarcastically, grinning nastily at her.

"Leave my mom alone, whatever you're doing," Lars intervened before his father could. The two of them looked surprised on the one hand, but much more annoyed on the other. Neither of them could take their eyes off Marcy, however, who kept biting her lip and squirming excitedly. Her eyes kept wandering to Joe, and that made John laugh.

"I'll do whatever I want to the three of you and there's nothing you can do about it, Lars," he responded to Lars before turning his attention back to Marcy.

"You're in good shape, you certainly invest a lot of time in your body, and you certainly have good genes. Now stay like that."

John stood up and walked around her. As he did so, he concentrated on her body awareness and made sure that his every touch increased her desire. John stopped in front of her and looked down at her. He placed his hand on her chin and lifted her head. She flinched slightly, and he couldn't tell what it was exactly.

"How long do you think you can last at this stage?" he asked her and then looked at the other two men, "How long do you think you three can last? It excited you, too, to see her like this. So full of lust and desire. I'm sure she'd love to come all over you right now, Joe, and I'm sure you'd love to do her the favor."

There was no mistaking that they were both boiling with rage, but Joe still replied in a calm voice, which definitely had something to do with John.

"Hell yeah, I'd give her whatever she wanted right now."

Meanwhile, Marcy whimpered as John also started nuzzling her neck and stifled her response. John had told the two men that they had smaller cocks, but he knew that they hadn't seen it yet and from his self-test that they hadn't felt it either. They probably hadn't even realized it yet, so it was time to let them know.

"What about you, do you want to be fucked by Joe?"

Marcy looked consuming at Joe and nodded wildly.

"Then you should take your clothes off and ask my permission really nicely."

Do they?

B12 not immediately


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