Mind and Body Control Ring 

Part 5

John follows the order 

 Just as he arrived at the classroom door, the bell rang, and the lesson was over. But John didn't mind and went in. He smiled with excitement and the whole class looked at him in surprise. Mrs. Briant also looked over at him in surprise. She was leaning over the chair at the desk and was packing up. John could see from her face that she was sorry she had sent him to the principal, but it was too late for sympathy, especially as he had planted the idea in her head. There was no mistaking the surprise of the class, after all, he hadn't been gone long, and they were probably even more surprised that he had come back to class at all. After a deep breath, he glanced around the class and had a mischievous smile, realizing that Lars wasn't in the classroom. He briefly wondered where he could be, but pushed the thought aside. 
"Any of you will forget that I beat Lars. I was never thrown out of the classroom, I sat in my seat the whole time," John announced as he walked back to his seat. He had already realized that he could control the whole class, so this time he managed to get it over with. The eyes he could see seemed absent and empty for a moment. Some of them then blinked and resumed their previous conversation as if nothing had happened. 
A feeling of power ran through him. He was able to influence everyone and could even make people forget things again. He enjoyed this power, he even had butterflies in his stomach. 
Furthermore, he wondered if Mrs. Briant still felt bad, after all, that had never happened. After he had put his bag down in his seat, he was immediately approached by Mrs. Briant. 
"Mr. Wilson! We were supposed to talk after class!" 
Surprised, John looked around and went to the teacher's desk. 
"You were 20 minutes late! Now's your chance to tell me what the problem was this time!" 
It didn't seem like she felt bad about anything, but he shouldn't care. 
"I ... I fell on the way to school and hit my head, so I went to see Mrs. Miller so she could look at it," John replied, rummaging in his pocket for the note in his back pocket. He felt both notes and took them both out, just as he was about to check which one was from Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Briant took them both. 
"I ... I don't understand ... this is my handwriting and the date ..." she stammered, startled, as she read the first note. John knew it was her note and was annoyed that he hadn't thrown it straight in the trash. 
"Why does it say here ... in my handwriting that you hit Mr. Johnson ... you ... you were in the classroom the whole time ... he ... he got into the ... Explain that to me!" she babbled on, bringing John out of his thoughts. 
"Give me the note back and stay calm," he said quickly, trying to get the situation back under control. After glancing over his shoulder to see that no one was paying attention to them, he turned back to Mrs. Briant, who held the note out to him, looked at him with irritation, but said nothing. He took the note and tore it up immediately. 
"You'll give me detention for being late and forget about the note for now. However, you'll remember everything that happened as soon as we're alone!" he added after a moment's thought. It would certainly be more interesting to be alone with her than with Mrs. Osbourne, even if he could change people, but he had a thought he wanted to try out. 
"You'll get detention for being late! I'll see you back here this afternoon!" she said in a stern voice. John nodded in agreement. After a nod from her, he went back to his seat and Mrs. Briant left the classroom. 
The rest of the school day passed quietly while John thought about what he could do with the ring. First of all, he would make sure that nothing could happen to him academically and that the teachers would give him a good grade no matter what, he would make sure that they gave him the questions and solutions in advance, even if it wasn't absolutely necessary, but it certainly wouldn't hurt to have seen one or two things at least once. He looked around the class and especially at all the girls. Even though it was a private school, there were still plenty of different stereotypes at the school. 
But that put him in a bit of a moral dilemma. He was still a virgin, but he was still a young man and had a few problems keeping his hormones or urges under control. In his dreams and fantasies, he had affairs with some of his classmates or even Mrs. Briant. But Mrs. Briant wasn't the only teacher at the school he would have liked to have in bed. Now he had the opportunity. Above all, he would meet Mrs. Briant again later, when there were fewer people at the school. He was already looking forward to it. Although currently, he was looking at the young women in his class. 
He glanced at Christina, who was a bit Goth-like, shoulder-length jet-black hair, always wearing pale make-up with dark mascara and lipstick. She often wore a combination of white and black. She was a slim, almost petite woman. He didn't know much about her. She didn't say much about herself at school, and he couldn't say how she behaved within her clique, as they preferred to keep to themselves.
At the other end of the room stood Lara, the cheerleader, actually the captain of the cheerleaders. She was a real eye-catcher. As far as he could tell, she was treated like a princess by her parents. She was very popular with the students and many men tried to court her, but she rebuffed anyone who dared. As far as he knew, she was dating an older guy who had left school a while ago and was now at the local university. The blonde often wore skirts and off-the-shoulder tops, she knew how to turn guys' heads. She was slim and toned, as you would expect from a cheerleader. Unfortunately, she was a cold angel who liked to treat others from the top down. 
The last person his eyes met was Sarah in the far corner of the room. She was a rather unassuming but pretty redhead. She usually wore her hair in a plait. Jeans and a sweater were her first choice of clothing. She belonged to the chess and math club and was one of the school's nerds. However, she was one of the more popular nerds. She was always friendly and helpful. Apart from that, John knew very little about her. 
The last lesson had finished, and he remained sitting in the classroom while the others all left. He waited for Mrs. Briant and the other students she might have given detention.

Chapter 6 Detention

Chapter overview