Mind and Body Control Ring 

Part 6 


John waited for a few more students to come into the room, but nobody came. This surprised him a little, it was usually the case that at least three or four students, if not more, had detention. Mrs. Briant came into the classroom 5 minutes late and John got a slight grin. It was unexpected that he would be alone with her in detention, but that shouldn't bother him, it actually gave him more opportunities to test out his ring in privacy.
"Here we are, Mr. Wilson! Detention on the first day, I haven't had that in a long time..." she said as soon as she stood at the desk and looked at him thoughtfully, then her eyes widened and John suspected her memory was coming back.
"What ... how ... but why do I ... how do you do that?" she asked, irritated and a little frightened.
John remained in his seat, the grin on his face widening. Something was different from the morning and by now Mrs. Briant knew it too, at least as long as she was alone with him. As soon as he wasn't around her or there was someone else in the room, she would forget what had happened in class. The question now was how far he could still influence her mind and what he could make her do. According to his knowledge, he should be able to change her completely. Well, he could have changed her into a hot porn actress, he could have dumbed her down so that she could barely survive. These were all nice thoughts, but why would he do something like that? He had once heard the saying that the most important question was always the following.
If he changed it in that way, he would certainly have something to laugh about, but how long it would last, he couldn't say.
"Why couldn't I remember you hitting Mr. Johnson all day?" Mrs. Briant repeated the question, looking at him, almost panicked. This brought him back to reality, and when John looked up, he could see that she had one hand placed protectively in front of her stomach and was nervously playing with her hair with the other.
"Is that important?" he asked her mischievously, smirking again. Knowing that he would only irritate her even more.
"Is that important? OF COURSE, it's important! I WANT TO KNOW WHAT'S GOING ON RIGHT NOW!"
After a brief moment's consideration, John decided that it might be amusing if he let her know about his abilities. However, he would have to make sure she didn't talk about it to anyone. But that was something he could worry about later. He realized that a certain lust had taken hold of him since the morning, and it was increasing. John was sure that it had something to do with the ring because he could now live out almost all his fantasies without having to suffer any consequences. Even if an inner feeling told him that it was only part of the truth.
More importantly, he was now alone with Ms. Briant in class, probably even in the whole school. That was what he wanted, at least. Still, he could take things slowly.
"Sit down and stay calm, and I'll explain everything to you," he said in a calm, confident voice, continuing to grin confidently to himself. As soon as she had sat down, he began to deliver a monologue.
"So you want to know what the cause is. I don't think it will help you, but I'm not going to be like this for once because it should be quite interesting to let you live with the knowledge. Today, I have gained the ability to influence people mentally and physically. I've even been able to do a few tests during the day. I found out that I can make anyone forget things and also change physical characteristics. For example, I made Mrs. Osbourne look younger for a moment. I have given her back her current appearance, and a test is currently underway to see whether I can make these changes happen over a longer period of time. I'm confident that it will work, but I'm not sure yet."
He gave her a moment to process this and was amused by the look of disbelief and fear on her face. After a deep breath, he continued his monologue.
"So, and now I have the opportunity to test my skills further, on you."
This was followed by a short laugh on his part.
"I want to know what I'm capable of, and since we're more or less alone in the school, I can even do it here quite safely. So let's just start with that. Take off your jacket and open your blouse, see if I like what I see, otherwise ... you'll see," John asked her.
Her hand went to her jacket button and undid it before she took it off sitting down, next she undid the buttons of her blouse. He looked a little surprised as she started at the bottom and slowly worked her way up. More and more of her was exposed, and John licked his lips in excitement and anticipation. A black bra shimmered through the opening of her top as she undid the final buttons. Once all the buttons were undone, he could see the black bra holding her breasts. Surprised, he saw her take off her blouse completely and sit in front of him wearing only her pants and bra.
"Now take off that pretty bra too," he added. She reached back with both hands and undid the clasp before letting it fall to the floor.
He now looked wide-eyed at his half-naked teacher, who looked at him in shame but remained seated. He had already seen her in gym class and had a vague idea of what to expect, but seeing it live in front of him now was a wholly different caliber. Furthermore, he had imagined her nipples in particular to be smaller, but that was something that certainly didn't bother him. He lifted a hand and slowly guided it to her right breast.
"Let's see how they feel," he murmured, noticing that she was trying to put some distance between him and herself. However, she was barely able to do so, as the back of the chair prevented her from leaning back any further. The hand reached its destination and lay underneath it for now. He grasped the warm, soft and firm breast before lifting it slightly. His thumb searched for her nipple and stroked it gently. He stroked a little further and then leaned back again.
"Let's see what it looks like when I let them grow a little," he said with a grin, and concentrated on making her breasts grow. He looked back and forth between her breasts and her face. She looked down as she felt her breasts getting bigger and her eyes widened. Her mouth was also wide open, as if she wanted to scream. However, it was a soundless scream. She looked up at him again when she could no longer stand to watch her breasts grow, and John stopped the growth. Satisfied with the result.
"That's a nice size, don't you think?" he asked himself rather than her, but she shook her head vigorously. Another idea came to him, especially that his "little" friend in his trousers had also been enjoying himself for a long time. At least, he was starting to grow more and more, and it was already getting a little uncomfortable in his pants. He turned his attention to Ms. Briant's lips and imagined them fuller, similar to the porn stars with the pumped up lips. This change went faster, and he looked at the result.
The full lips and inflated breasts were a real eye-catcher, and he could hardly contain himself.
The only question was, what did he want now?
The question was actually superfluous. The sight made him think of a porn movie in which the woman had a guy's cock between her breasts and was sucking his cock. That was a damn tempting thought for John . There were even several options for him now.

He could make her do it willingly or force her to do it, he thought for a moment about how to do it and decided on ...

Chapter 7 Blowjob (Mind Altering/Voluntary)

Chapter overview