Kingmaker Beta 0.17

Save compatible 0.15+
New Content
Added a tutorial for the world map and raids on week 28. Armies will be unlocked on that date.
Finally added a prologue... kinda. It's very much still a work in progress, as you might notice if you decide to check it out.
Added two events for the lord's wife, one of them an h-event. (Talk with the Lord with the moustache 5+ weeks after he arrives.)
Bug fixes
Added a bottom floor for raid probability so they no longer get locked if you upgrade infrastructure.
The ninth event for the younger roomie will no longer make two weeks go by if you fire it up.
Fixed an issue with the lady in armor.
Fixed minor graphical error when looking at what Rose wears under her skirt.
You should no longer be able to spend the night with Rose before the necessary event fires up.

(Remember to set the price to zero. I just want to have download analytics.)