Devlog #3 - What comes after the Core Mechanics

Hey folks! I hope you're having a great end of the year so far. Just in case you missed it, there was the public release of V0.0.2, and the backer's release of V0.0.3. You can get the builds here:
Public Build
Backer's Build

As this marks the halfway point on our Core Mechanics roadmap (Devlog #2), I'd like to delve into what comes next once we have the minimum version of the gameplay mechanics.

Following the release of V0.0.5, the game's version number will shift to V0.1.X,  marking the start of a new roadmap. This phase will focus on breathing life into the game's characters, particularly your slaves, aiming to enrich and deepen your interactions and relationships with them. Here are some features I'd love to implement into the game in this phase:
  • Personality Traits (rebel, kind, timid, etc...)
  • Sexual Traits (masochist, nymphomaniac, brat, etc...)
  • Values for how much a Slave is devoted to you and how much they fear you.
  • Slave Breaking
  • Punishment system based on guilt 
  • Slave Rules
  • Behind-the-scenes actions by slaves: each day slaves will do things based on their traits, their state and your rules. Let's say a slave wants to masturbate, despite your rule forbidding slave masturbation, they may still do it. However, this defiance accumulates guilt, requiring justified punishment. You may also put a cock cage/chastity belt on them so that even if they desire to masturbate they won't be able to, making them more disciplined or more fearful of you. There will be logs with every action your slaves take, offering a comprehensive overview of their activities.

After the new year, I'll start work on the next update. Stay tuned for some upcoming polls. Your support means a lot.

I wish you joyful holidays and an incredible 2024 ahead,